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"I know... I just wated to  hug you"
Gundhams whispered.

Kazuichi just sat there blushing
Not knowing what to do.

-after lunch-

"Hey... Tanaka... What was the whole...
Hugging thing all about..?"
Kazuichi asked, turning to Gundham.

Gundham ignored Kazuichis Question


Tanaka did the same thing every week...
He would always save a spot for me in the morning,
We would eat lunch together outside the school building,
He would ignore me the rest of the day and talk to Miss Sonia...

... As soon as I realized I liked him too...

He's doing this on purpose, this was his plan!

He wanted me to fall for him, just so he could reject me...

If that was his plan, then it worked... I'm hurt...


I got the Dark Queen to finally agree with me, I told her my feelings towards the Pink one.

"Hey... You know about the party Fuyuhiko is planning? "
The she-cat reminded me

"Yes, the Pink one was the one who told me..."

"Well... I have a plan, but your gonna have to  tag along with it..."
The dark queen said with a smile.

"... I accept this challenge!"

"Ok... Your gonna have to...


"Huh!? Are you sure that will work?
I'm certain that it will leave Soudas heart in shaddered pieces"

"Hm? I'm sure it won't, after all, he's strong.... And besides, don't worry about him anymore, you have me...

Your girlfriend"
The dark queen had an evil smirk, but I'm sure it's because she wants the plan to work.
"On Friday, we are going to show off our love to Kazuichi"

"... If it's to gain love from Kazuichi, then I humbly accept"


Today is the day of the Party,
I skipped school so I could get ready for it, because I don't have that much time on my hands.

Once school ended, I looked out the window to see Gundham and Miss Sonia talking outside.

"... What are they talking about?"

I walk closer to the window and hide.

"Gunddy!! We should go on a date today, after all, that is what couples do"
I heard Miss Sonia say

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