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-after they dealt with the situation-

"... I think we should just head home"
Kazuichi said

"... Sounds like a pleasing idea..."
Gundham muttered trying to stop himself from crying again

-once they got to their hotel-

Gundham walked towards the bed and cried

"Hey... I'm sorry..."
The mechanic apologized

"It's not your fault, so there is no need to apologize"
Gundham said pulling the covers over his head

"... I bet she was a nice dog..."
Kazuichi said getting on the bed next to Gundham

"...if you want, we could just lay down in bed for the rest of the day..."
Kazuichi said wrapping his arm around Gundhams waist to calm him down.

" I would appreciate that"
Gundham said wiping his tears

Kazuichi said with a small smile
"I love you, you know that... Right"
Kazuichi said kissing Gundhams cheek

"...... Yes I know that..."
Gundham turned around to face his beloved
"And I love you too"

The two boys fell asleep cuddling together.

-once they woke up-

Kazuichi woke up before Gundham but instead of waking his boyfriend up, he let him rest, after all, yesterday was a tragedy for the tall male.

"...i'll just make coffee..."
The mechanic whispered to himself as he got up off the bed and headed towards the kitchen/dining room

When Kazuichi finished making his coffee he turned to Gundham to check if he's still asleep
"... I mean, yesterday was a very hard day for him, I can see why he's still asleep..."

The mechanic said to himself

"He needs rest... I should go get him something to get his mind off of his... Dog.."
Kazuichi thought

-at the mall-

"What could cheer Gundham up...hmm..."
Kazuichi thought, he looked around the mall until he passed by a specific store

"OOH! maybe he would like something like that"
The mechanic thought to himself

He quickly got the item and bought it
"Er... Would he even like it...dammit, what if he doesn't like it!!"

Kazuichi bought other things just incase Gundham wouldn't like his other gifts.

(He bought 6 gifts)

Kazuichi was deep in thought that he didn't realize he bumped into someone,
He bumped into Sonia Nevermind

"Gah! I'm sorry, I didn't mean t-"
Kazuichi looked up and realized who he bumped into
"... Miss Sonia?"

"Oh! It's " nice" To see you again"
She rolled her eyes

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