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"Anyways what was the sna- holy shit... That was good"
Kazuichi said barely realizing what he meant

"Damn... Your a huge flirt..."
Kazuichi muttered as he was biting his thumb nail.
"Er... Let's just continue our way to the store, i actually wanna snack"

"If you insist"
Gundham said as he let go of Kazuichi waist

"And about the public thing, I was just shocked... I don't mind with you kissing me in public..."
Kazuichi said with his face turning red.

(A/N: I actually made the whole "flirt" Thing up, it randomly came in mind)

-inside the store-

"Hmm... What snack do I want... Ooh! A crunch bar!"
Kazuichi said grabbing a small crunch bar

"So he enjoys Crunch bars... I got one thing listed down"
Gundham thought

"Would you like me to buy your item"
Gundham asked the shorter male

"Nah! You bought me tons of things, I can't just waste your money"
Kazuichi said as he grabbed more crunch bars.

-once Kazuichi bought all 7 bars-

"Whew! She was talking WAY to much, I also wonder why she asked for my number, really strange, right Gundham"
The mechanic sighed

"... I despise her..."
Gundham crossed his arms

"Come on, she wasn't that bad, she was nice"

Gundham continued to walk next to Kazuichi
"Hey... Gundham, by any chance... Could I maybe... Stay with you"
Kazuichi looked up at Gundham

"What do you mean, dark one"
Gundham asked looking up at the sky

"Like, I don't know... Maybe live with each other, I think it sounds fun"
Kazuichi chuckled in embarrassment

"If you would want our own territory
Then i shall go along with your quest"
Gundham said with a smirked as Kazuichi chuckled in the background.
"Okay! Ya big dork"

"Let's continue our walk to our estate"
The breeder said to the mechanic

"Should we just get a hotel first, then when we have enough money we could buy a house we can afford"
Kazuichi said as with a grin

"I assume we could do that, though we have to pack our belongings first"
Gundham said turning to Kazuichi.

-At Gundhams House-

"Hello Gundham! A nice blonde girl came by and asked about you, do you know her, she goes by the name Sonia Nevermind"
Gundhams mom said as she scrolled through social media

"I am afraid I do know her, did you tell her I wasn't here?"
The breeder asked his mother

"Ah! In fact, she is inside our house right know, she's waiting for you on the couch"
Gundhams mother got off the couch to face Gundham

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