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"If you want me to stop, then I shall stop"
Gundham stopped rubbing Kazuichis stomach, once he stopped, he layed his head on the back of Kazuichis neck.

"Good night, my Paramore..."
Gundham said as he kissed Kazuichis nape

"... Ni- *yawn* night.. "
Kazuichi yawned.

-in the morning-

"*Yawn* mornin gundham"
Kazuichi yawned turning to gundhams direction, but for some reason Gundham wasn't next to him
"... Gundham...Where are you..?"

Kazuichi got out of the bed and headed towards the restroom
"Gundham, are you in there"
Kazuichi whispered as he knocked on the door, though, Kazuichi got no reply.

"Where could he be?"
The mechanic asked as he started to get worried.

Kazuichi walked out the room, walked downstairs, and headed towards the kitchen.

"Miss Tanaka, do you know where Gundham is?"
The pink haired male asked.

"Gundham isn't here right now, he said he was going to a friends house"
Miss. Tanaka faced Kazuichi and put a soft smile on her face.

"Er.. Ok?"
Kazuichi tilted his head and headed towards the door.


I was at She-Cats house to hear her apology, after all, what she did was hopefully mere childs play.


Gundham went to Sonia's house and Knocked on the door.

The figure that stood before him was a blonde female who was identical to the princess
"May I speak to the Dark Queen"
The breeder asked the blonde girl.

"Huh? What do you mean, Gundham, I'm right here"
The blond haired girl said

"How? Your very identical but the dark Queen doesn't have-"
Gundham was interrupted by someone shoving him inside their house.

"What is this nonsense!"
Gundham shouted as he quickly got up off the floor.

"Look, Gundham, you know I wouldnt hurt you...~"
A person in the shadows said

"Show yourself you coward!"

"Heya Gundy!"
Sonia jumped onto Gundham and kissed his cheek
"W-what!? You already know I have no love desires for you!"
Gundham said, shoving Sonia to the side.

"Awe~ why not? Im very perfect, I'm rich, nice, besides most of all, *FAR* more better than Kazuichi"
Sonia said, she headed towards the male and shoved him on the couch.
"Why won't we talk on the couch, it'll hurt our legs If we're going to stand up all day"

"...i only came here for a quick apology, now I would prefer you to hurry up and do it, someone like I, don't have the time right now, I should be seeing my dark one"
The breeder crossed his arms frowned.

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