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"There, see? I'm done cleaning"
Kazuichi sighed and layed back down on the bed

"I'm proud.."
Gundham said as he wrapped his arms around Kazuichis waist and layed his head on Kazuichis back.

-in the morning-

"*YAWNN* mornin Gundy"
The mechanic said turning to gundham
(Making him and gundham face to face)
"Well... I guess I should let him continue sleeping"
Kazuichi said turning back to his original position, until he felt something grab his thigh
Kazuichi fell off the bed and turned to look at the object
There, he saw Gundham smirking

"H-Hey! Whatthahellareyoudoingup!?"
Kazuichi stuttered
("H-Hey! What tha hell are you doing up!?")

"Nothing, I just wanted to surprise you with an evil sneak attack"
Gundham said covering his whole body with the blanket so he could try to hide from Kazuichi

"Dummy! I saw you go under there!"
Kazuichi got up and lifted the blanket, but no one was there
"H-Hey! Your not the ultimate mage, so why tha hell are you not here!?"

Gundham grabbed Kazuichis ankles and gently dragged him on the floor
Kazuichi fell on top of Gundhams chest

"Stop it!"
Kazuichi said making a pouty face

"Alright my dark one, if you really want me to"
Gundham sighed

"It's scary, I don't like it, so please don't..."
Kazuichi got off of Gundham and helped him up
"Hey, how bout we take a shower"

"If you insist my dark prince"
Gundham said heading towards the bathroom door
"My dark one, why exactly are you following me to the room of cleansing?"
Gundham asked as he opened the restroom door

"Whatcha mean? I said " We"
Kazuichi said as he took his beanie off
"Don't think anything perverted, it's only a shower"
Kazuichi said laying his head on Gundhams shoulder

-after they both of undressed-

"Damn, the waters pretty hot, it's fine though, what do you think Gundham?"
Kazuichi turned to Gundhams direction to see him in the corner of the restroom mumbling some words
"Aye! You alright?"

"... Ah... Yes, I am fine, don't fret my loved one"

"Alrighty! Let's get in now!"

-after the shower-
(Sorry, they weren't wearing socks 😳🥴)

"Gah! Can't believe shampoo went in my eye!!"
Kazuichi complained

"My dark one, I was the one who accidentally put shampoo in your eye"
Gundham said not giving eye contact with Kazuichi

"O-Oh! It's not a bad thing! It's fineee!!"

Kazuichi said trying to reassure gundham that he didn't harm him(Kazuichi)

"... Is your eye ok, as for I have a very powerful power that could cause you to be very harmed"
Gundham said as he grabbed Kazuichis hands.

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