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"You moron, I wouldn't intend on kissing a lowly human like you!?"
Gundham said as he broke the pocky in half.

The mechanic didn't know what to say
"I thought y'all were dating"

"Indeed we are, Souda, but I would prefer to share a pocky with..."
Gundham got a new pocky stick and gently placed it on Kazuichis lip

"... U-uh..."
Kazuichi took the pocky, and looked up at Gundham
"...Gu... ndham"
He looked away blushing.

"Indeed, I intended on sharing a pocky stick with you"
Gundham said as he placed the other end of the pocky stick in his mouth.

Kazuichi looked at Ibuki

"Go on, nows your chance"
She whispered.

Kazuichi looked back at gundham
And nodded.

Ibuki shouted.

Kazuichi and Gundham got to the middle, Kazuichi looked up at Gundham and stared into his eyes.

Gundham looked at Kazuichi
And saw him staring at him.
Gundham let go of the pocky and started coughing.
(Because he thought Kazuichi looked Cute)
"G-Gundham! Are you ok!?"
Kazuichi asked as he swallowed the rest of the pocky stick.

"I'm fine"
Gundham said as he lifted his scarf to his face.

"Ya sure?"
Kazuichis face turned to confusion.

"I-Im fine..."
Gundhams looked at Kazuichi in the eyes and walked towards the other male.

Kazuichi stared back at him, instead of an awkward moment of silence, it was more like a calming moment of silent.

"My Dark Prince..."
Gundham said as he started messing with Kazuichis hair

"A new nickname"
Kazuichi chuckled

Gundham smiled and kissed Kazuichi on the lips

"I- Gundham... Don't you have a girlfriend... ?"
Kazuichi muttered

"Don't fret, for she only wanted to go out with me, because she wanted to hurt you, My Dark Prince"
Gundham said as he combed Kazuichis hair behind his ear.

"... But she's still my friend..."
Kazuichi said as he looked at Sonia

"... How can you forgive her, she did an awful thing"
Gundham said as he looked at Sonia with a frown.

"... Your right... I should wait till she apologizes..."

Kazuichi said as he turned to Gundham.

"So... Will you accept my confession, My Dark One?"
Gundham asked

"... I don't... Know..."
Kazuichi looked down at his shoes.

"I-I understand... You need time to think"
Gundham said as he walked out the living room.

"... "
Kazuichi looked up at Sonia,
He saw her mouth
"I hate you, I actually liked Gundham"

POCKY CHALLENGE (SOUDAM) [OLD]Where stories live. Discover now