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Kazuichi woke up from his nap,
due to the bell for Lunch ringing,
He woke Gundham up, and they both headed toward the cafeteria.

But, something was off, people kept glancing at the two boys.

"Hey... Why are they staring at us?"
Kazuichi asked as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Gundham looked down to face Kazuichi and immediately hid his blushing face in the scarf.

His hat said
"Gundham Claims"

"... We have an issue..."
Gundham said as he looked away from Kazuichi, and faced the floor.

"What kind?"
Kazuichi tilted his head

"A...A big one..."
Gundham said as he took Kazuichi's hat off.

Kazuichi said as he clenched his fists.
"Pleasssee!!! I don't like my hair!"

"This is no time for childs play, take a look at the hat design"

The breeder said as he pointed
at the hat.

"Whoever did that is going to pay!"
Kazuichi said as he snatched the hat back from Gundham and put it back on.

"W-Why on earth are you putting it back on!?"
Gundham asked as he grabbed Kazuichi's wrist that was holding the hat.

"I mean, it isn't that bad...its just some stupid design"
Kazuichi said with slight blush on his face.

"Anyways, we should just sit down"
Gundham said as he pulled out a chair from a  random table
"Take a seat, Souda"

"Err... Ok"
Kazuichi sat down on the chair and kicked the chair next to him far away

You don't deserve to sit next
to me!"

Kazuichi joked

"Hmmph! I see, as for I will go sit somewhere else"
Gundham said as he picked up his belongings.

"H-Hey! Donnnnttt!! It was a joke!"
Kazuichi pleaded

"I see, so you do enjoy my existence"
Gundham said as he hugged kazuichi from behind.

you could hear Fujoshi's fangirling in the background, I mean, it is kinda adorable.

"H-Hey, cut it out, man, we're just friends"
Kazuichi said as he pushed Gundhams hands away.

"My apologies"
Gundham said as he grabbed the closest chair and sat down.

"Nah, it's fine"
Kazuichi said as he took his hat off and placed it on the table.

"... I think you should keep your hat off more often, Souda"
Gundham said as he opened a Sunflower seed bag.

"Hm? Why"
Kazuichi said as he was picking at his cafeteria lunch

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