Chapter EIght: Rants and Blades

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 Walking home, aka Aizawa's, home, is not as boring as you thought it would be. No, you ran into several cats, and dogs, [Fun fact: its anime logic so you no allergic to animals >:D] Which you took full advantage of , and proceeded to smother them all in affection. Some returned it while others froze in place with the expression of WTF -


Anyways, On your way to the doorsteps to the apartment, you hear rustling.

-imma try rd pov hold on -

the [h/c] female slowly creeps towards the alley way nearby, which is where the sounds came from. Holding her breath, Y/n slowly rounded her head around the corner, only to see....

another person.

'WOnder why they're out here?' was the thought process she was having before forgetting common sense momentarily, and getting closer to said person. Only to discover it was a male.

a....lanky male??? It looked like someone took the 2012 casey jones, and mixed it with aizawa's tired figure, bakugou's crazy eyes, and the tmnt mutant spike. [so its stain lmao]

Now most humans, including the [h/c]nette herself, would scream at whoever the dumbass character was, to GTFO there. But sense , its y/n in the place of said dumb bitch, she would be that idiot.

"Woah- howdy, Wh-" She pauses, the man was covered in blood, well somewhat. A gasp escaped y/n's [lips] lips, before dashing towards the raven hair male.

A grin makes its way on Stain's face. Another wannabe hero, eh? Well, he will gladly take out this fake -

"Holy shit, you're hurt " A [soft/raspy/whatever ur voice be] voice came from the small [compared to him anyways] figure, cutting off the inner monolonge-ing [fucking words] guy. "....what?" He was confused- weren't you gonna scream? Yell at him for killing someone? I mean, for fuck sakes, there was a corpse not even ft behind him

"What do you MEAN 'what'? ? You have blood on your friggin cheek . " Y/n paused , only just now noticing something, as her [e/c] eyes widen. NOw THIS is what stain expected, and a wicked grin appears yet again,.

"You fuckin moron - " wait wha -

"You were playing with your damn katans and hit yourself didn't you?"

what the fuck was wrong with this chick???

"N-" He didn't even get a chance to buttle, threaten you, or anything.

You raised your non dom hand with a narrow glare. "AI - I don't wanna hear it. " You huffed.

"You are gonna kneel right here, while i get the mini-kit from my bag" Your tone of voice left no room for argument.

And for some bizarre fucking reason, which he couldn't even place, he didn't want to.

WIth a very annoyed glare at your figure, the hero killer did as demanded.

Watching your back as you scrambled in your bag for the supplies you'd need, a thought entered his head.

Why didn't he just kill you? I mean, yeah, he was only aiming for fake heroes, but he had taken out witnesses before, so what was stopping him from doing the same to you? Honestly, he could easily grab one of the mini blades he has with him, dig it into your back, and end your probably pathetic existence.

So why wasn't he doing it? Why wasn't he reaching for his blades? Why was he allowing you to even talk to him in such a manner? Why were you even trying to "help" him? Why were-

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