Chapter Fourteen: Nicknames for the guys..?

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You hum in thought for a while before looking up at the black hair male you were hugging. "What about....Ro? Or maybe Han?" A baby blush spots his face as a dopey grin appears, "Yeah, I like that!"

Soon others start coming over.

"Me too!" "Please do me!"

"that sounds- OW!" "Shut up perverted grape"

"Can you give me one too??"

You blinked at he amount of people that came asking, hell, even Bakugou was in the back grumbling. And tooroki had to admit, he was slightly slightly slllliiiigggghhhhttttyyyyyyyy curious what his would be.

So you did, "Alright but standing in this circle you have agreed to let me give you a nickname that I will sometimes, or maybe all the time, " you shrugged, "by, and you have no problem with it. No taking it back, so if you don't want it right now, then step out the circle.

Only Kouji, Satou, and Ojiro stepped out.

"Alright lets begin" you chirp.

You spun Iida first. "I dub you....Ten or Tenny!" You happily exclaimed as said boi bowed, "THank you very much L/n-san! I promise I will be worthy of-" "Shut up loser."

Rude bakugou

Ignoring him for now you went to the next person, Kirishimia. "Hmm, I sha'll nickname you...." Dramatic pause.

"Ej and or slash / SHima!~" Kiri, or Ej, hardned his fists and di his own signature pose, "Hell yah!"

With a giggle you continued

Pointing Kaminari you exclaimed in a gooofy voice, "Kami !" He was happy for the nickname and not being pikachu relatedd.

You pointed to the Duo birbs.

First to Dark Shadow, "D.S." Happy caws

Then tokoyami. "Yours was trickier to come up with, "

Someone spoke ip, "Wait you mean you've been thinking about this for a while?"

You sigh, "Yes now shhhhhh" you stuck your tongue out before going back to the person before you.

"I admit its a tie between 'Fumi ' 'Kage'{y}, Toko, or yami. I know not very creative." You frown only for the melo-dramtic bird boy to correct you. "I'm honored I have any so much as four, really." He was really happy he just felt awkward to show it.

Your smile came back, blinding some of the boiz and u kept going.

"Sero, I have dubbed you as Ro! And maybe I might call you Han!~"

"Midoriya!" You state causing said broccli to tense up as a nervous blush appears and he takes on a skitttish stance.

crap what were you gonna give him???

"You are going to be Between Izu, and Dori!" He blushed embarassed to hear the last one, but he felt so happy and just, conent you gave him such cute nicknames [especially coming from you, a girl.] made him keep his mouth shut.

Next you spun to THe Poker-Face Master aka todorki next. "I don't know your first name, so based off your last name, its a tie between 'Roki' and Todo, but since IN america todo is the name of a dog in a twister, [reference anyone?] I've decided on 'Roki'." You nod to yourself.

He felt disappointed [which was beyond him as to why since he didn't trust you for shit, again making him question why he signed up for this in the first place] but given he [again dont trust this hoe - sorry ] he was indifferent for the most part.

And now for the one and only pomerianian.

"And You- "

"better not be something dumb"

You paused and scoffed, "Tempting as that truly its, i choose life thankyouverymuch."

"Again dunno your first like Roki here, but i'll call you baku for now, anyways."



Cue the snortsx from the bakusquad.

WIth a sigh you looked around looking for a little-

A tug of your pants makes you look down.

"And mine?"

You had ot think.

He had improved, at least for you anyways, on his decenscy as a pervert so you guess he deserved some reward.

"Himm....first or last?"


another hum.

"Oru?" He poped a brow, "Short for Minoru, your first name?"

He beams like he just saw midnight on a pole, annnnnnd he splurrtedd blood and passed out.

You blink. "Uhhhhhh, okay then." You picked him up and held him like one would a toddler while looking at the last male in the circle. Aoyama.

"Yama!" He pouts, "could be more glamourous"

You shrugged as well as you could holding your classmate, "eh, i literally, literally, got DRAGGED out of my bed, im feeling dumb[er] today dude. " you yawned and rubbed an eye.

"Alright imma put the purple gatorade in his seat." yu annoced, making Izu, and Denki part for you, making you thank them both as you set the smol grape in his seat. Just in time for your intern daddio to walk in. "Get in your seats."

And like the rats in that one movie, you all scrambled into your seats.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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