Chapter Five: Birb pets

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Catching up with mina and the others, you'd think you'd be relieved but nopE!

You got bombarded immediately by the bakusquad (minus the explosive blonde himself) the second you met them back up at class.

"Yo! Dude, why weren't you at lunch!" Kiri pops out of nowhere seemingly, and rests an elbow on your head.

Denki walks towards you both with a pout, along with mina. "Yeah, i was so excited to show you off! Ow!" He rubs his head and looked at the pinkette next to him. "what was that for?" He whines, making mina roll her eyes. "You were about to say something dumb."

Y/n looks at Mina with a raised eyebrow, "okay, how could you even tell? Is that you're quirk? Mind-reading?"

"Nope! I just know him!" A snort escapes you and Sero while Pikachuwu whines again, Kirishimia smiling at his friends.

Suddenly a pressure was on Y/n's left shoulder, and when she turned her head she saw a black blob with a birb head.

"Oh! Uh - " "Dark shadow! Please allow L/n to chat amongst their friends in peace.." Tokoyami mumbles to his partnerincrime / quirk.

"Come ooooonnn! I wanna get to know 'er! And we both know you weren't gonna interact with her yourself!''

Y/n blinks in surprise before giggling. "A. THanks! I feel flattered you wanted to know me! B. Its nice to meet 'cha D.S!"

"D....s?" The shadow birb tilted his head making the (hair) girl squeal internally. "Mmhm! It's short for Dark Shadow!" She seemed really happy about that before faltering a bit. "If you don't like it, I can always just- No! No, I- i like it!" Again the female had to blink and force her brain-gears to mc-move.

Meanwhile Tokoyami was internally dying, why wouldn't Dark Shadow shut up? Groaning at his couter-part's attitude, he covered his head in his arms making the female turn her head towards him. A lil pout crossed Your lips as you watched the bird-man hide his head. You didn't mean to make him feel left out!

Coming with a quick plan in your head to maybe cheer him up, you got up, completely forgetting the people that were already swarming you originally, and made your way to the shadow user's desk, D.S following you.

'I hope he doesn't peck my head off for this but....Caroline's (a random name i cam e up with) parrot liked to be pet when stressed....maybe it will work for him too? otherwise this is gonna get real awkward real fast.' You grimaced internally before gently and hesitantly placing your hand on the back of his feathery head.

Tokoyami tensed up. What were you doing? He didn't like this, but he didn't wanna use Dark shadow on you - speaking of which, why wasn't he intervening? 'probably finds my discomfort amusing.' The thought makes him pout further, still tense, although and he won't admit it aloud, he felt a slight chill run up/down his spine when your hand began moving.

gently stroking up and down thee Soft Black feathers on his head, as you spoke in a soft voice. "I'm sorry if I've made you uncomfortable earlier Tokoyami. I really didn't mean to." You held a small frown on your face. You'd feel bad if he was upset with you for giving his quirk a nickname, without his permission. Granted Dark Shadow acted like his own person at times, but still.

Tokoyami was going to respond, say how it was fine and you were forgiven, but he found his mind drawing a blank as he subconsciously leaned closer into your touch. For some bizarre reason, you're 'petting' him for lack of better term, didn't bother him like he thought it would originally when you first touched him. Instead it was rather....calming? He wasn't quite sure, but he almost found himself whining, or at the very least grunting in protest when you took your hand away from him. He didn't like to think it, but he almost missed your soft rubs.

Meanwhile the bakusquad was shocked. WTF DID YOU JUST DO?!

Kaminiari and Kirishima were shocked. Mina was surprised but her inner shipping mind began hatching shit. Sero didn't seem all that affected. And bakugou snarled. Why the fuck were you paying attention to that extra when the real deal was right here?

He pauses and narrows his eyes at his desk. Why did he care? He didn't! he was just.....pissed. Yeah, he was pissed that you weren't seemingly giving a shit about the soon to be number 1 hero (himself obviously) like you should. Like everybody in his class should!

MEANWHILE (again..)

A certain candy-cane was examining you and your interactions.

You haven't participated in any of the actual school tests, nor taking any notes. You never mentioned anything about your past school activities. Or even mentioned or shown off your quirk. You wren't acting like someone who just got transferred to UA, but rather someone who kinda already knew the place and people. And don't even get him started on the fact that their Homeroom Teacher, along with other adults and faculty members of the school, seem to keep an eye on you...

No, you were hiding something. And he was damn sure going to find out what.

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