Chapter Seven: Y/n 's dumb thoughts

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You knew it was rude, but you honestly couldn't stop the waterfall of giggles that came spewing out of you, after all might whacked him. It was too funny!

As you laughed, The group mentally cooed at your laugh, it was different from the laughs in japan, so it was refreshing, even if you sometimes sounded like a dying whale on cocaine.

"I- Oh my god, pfffft I can not believe you just- snorts- oh oh i can't breathe, icantbreathe-" and with that, you fell off the seating [you had sat on one of the few desks, ] and onto your [plush/phat/skinny/bonnnnnnnnnneyyyyyyy] asscheeks making you groan mid-cackle.

" ass." Now, it was Uraraka's turn to giggle at you. Tenya looked normal but there was a ghost of a smirk hovering over his face. Todoroki was also his usual p-p-p-p-poker face, but you could see a flash of amusement in his dual-colored eyeballs. And as for Midoriya? He was fretting over you like a mother would. All might just sweat-dropping.

It took a couple seconds for you to gain enough breath back to even work your way up off your back, and when you did, you finally realized how much your butt really hurt. 'Damn, it feels like that one time i was swinging, listening to ma music, and i fell off the swing from the top, ........damn it hurts just thinking about it.....or its probably cuz I JUST bruised ma butt....yeah..' Your thoughts clogged your mind from hearing the ramblings of a broccoli boy, and just, life.

"Young [L/n]. Are you alright?" Our favorite blonde bunny asks, loud as always making you almost snort. You have no idea why, but all of a sudden he reminded you of markiplier. Just the thought of markiplier yelling, "I AM HERE" was almost enough to make you burst into giggles again....almost.

"U-uh, wh...what did you need, mr all might sir?!" izuku shouts/stammers out, respectfully while Tsuyu helped you back into your chair. "Ah Yes. Im borrowing you from your classmates. " And without so much as a blink, the pair was mc-gone.

You, and everyone else at the table, blinked. ".....Well THAT just happened." You hum, now examining nearly forgotten device you were using to listen to music with.

Tsuyu came speaking up, "Well, what is it? your quirk." You paused forgetting momentarily that was what they were asking you about.

'Fuck, fuck fuck shit ass sbi;bhslhb gpbhfgpifhbobhlhbfpibf HNGLHB GLHG HNNGHHHHHHHHH' You mentally start freaking the hell out. What the hell were you gonna say? You were pretty much sure you were quirkless since you weren't even from there world, but at the same time you've read fanfics where the reader, or random oc the author comes up with, is given a quirk after being brought into the world. What if it was the same for you??? Oh shit- they then're gonna think you lied to them. Not to mention it'll bring up so many damn questions on why you are in ua if you didn't have a quirk......

"Oh, but you don't have to tell us! We were just curious!" BLess you bubblegumdrops, bless you.

Before you could retort, You blinked, what the...

Oh right, theres a girl here who literally invisible unless she wears clothing.

That would explain why you just watched a floating uniform an shoes pass the doorway.

Still, you must have a made a face or something because suddenly Tsuyu is telling you about who just walked by.

The entire time you keep nodding or hum now and then, to keep the act you don't know. "Oh- ....wait, i don't think i ever got to ask ya'll what your quirks were, I bet they're really cool!" To the group of girls plus guys, you looked kawaii n shit, mini sparkles surrounding your head.

'cute!' was the thought that ran through everyone's head.

Tsuyu was first to give hers, "I'm a frog basically, kero." Of course you knew that but you still let out a small squeak.

"aww cute!" is what causes the usually blunt frog girl to have a blush similar to uraraka's cheeks were drawn in the anime and manga. "ah, thank you."

Uraraka went up next, "Mine is gravity. I can make things float with my hands more or less."

Your inner dumbness kicked in, now picturing her as IT, pennywise. "You'll float too~" A shiver ran through you.

Todoroki catches this and his eyes narrow partially, although its impossible to tell. "You cold?" His voice snapped you outta your thoughts, making you look at him. "Oh, um." You hum in thought taking a second to feel the air, "nah i don't think so."

"Then why did you shiver, ribbit." You urn towards the precious froggy and come up with an excuse rather quickly. "I just imagined waking up one day, happy your kid discovers her quirk, but finding her like, 5 ft in the air or something. " Now that you think about it, holy shit thats terrifying. O.O''

"Oh, That never happened to me, [Y/n]-chan. at least.....I don't think so." Now the brunette was thinking. Oops.

You sweatdrop and move on to the [candycane/rip] other male. "Whats yours?"

"None of your business." "Todoroki! That is a very rude thing to say to a fellow classmate! There are much nicer ways to say 'no thank you'!!"

You giggle softly at the bluenette's efforts of scolding his classmate. "Nah, its fine. It isn't my business, technically speaking. " You shrugged, not really minding the 'i don't trust you' attitude radiating off him.

"but- " Again you cut him off, "Really, its fine Ee-da! I honestly don't mind!" You smile at him making him blush lightly at both the action and your words. "Uh!m, th-thank you but, thats you pronounce my name..." You blink once, twice.....thr-

realization: "OH MY - I AM SO SORRY" You begin to panic, worrying you've offended him when he has been nothing but accepting of your random appearance n shit. Oh crapddoodles!

"Its, quite alright. " Still you bow in apologies, "still, im sorry...."

He felt bad, although he wasn't sure why entirely, that you felt bad for mispronouncing his last name wrong.

So he quickly changed topics, "I still haven't told you of my quirk yet, how rude of me." He pushes up his glasses. "I have jets and [given a good explanation of his quirk] ." you blink. "Damn, thats cool! wait, " you blink. Uh oh- dumb brain train incoming, choo choo.





"Does that mean you ran into walls a lot as a kid?"

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