Chapter One: oh my go-

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A/n: ya'll voted and Female reader got chosen. The rest is still undergoing votes.


You swear, your - you - she -what is even happening.

'Im asleep, duh! i have to be asleep...even tho it feels so real...' thinking this to yourself helped calm you down some.

"Dearie? Are you alright? You've been staring into space for a while now.." SAid lady mentioned causing you to snap out of whatever daze you were in beforehand.

A sigh left your lips before looking at the surprisingly realistic looking woman, a weary smile on your face.

"yeah, sorry about that. I'm....just a lil confused is all." you gave a small shrug .

Recovery Girl raises an eyebrow at the mysterious female before humming. "Well its to be expected, since you did fall out of the sky. " A sigh leaving her slightly chapped lips at the recent memory. "You're lucky someone saw you and caught you before you hit the ground." She stated, surprisingly calm if not a little annoyed at what she assumed was you being careless with your quirk.

You however, were reeling. You fell from the SKY?! What the actual fu-


Your head snaps down to your arm and without hesitation, scratch open a scab, kinda because A it was there, and B you didn't want to pinch yourself...heh.

And you felt a tinge of pain as the blood slowly begun to rise in little dots before coming together in a bigger dot of blood.

Holy shit

this was real

You weren't dreaming

you were actually in my hero academia.

and boy you'd be lying if you said you weren't scared in the slightest.

Because you were petrified (although hiding it well) as dozens and hundreds of thoughts came at you all at once, causing you a headache...which only further sent your panic deeper.

' what if i can't get home?'

'oh god am i gonna be stuck here forever?'

' can i even tell anyone? would they even believe me?'

'What if.....' Your eyes widened in fear, 'What if I die...?"

'W-will i come back? do i return to my world? or...'

You gulped at the next thought, not even noticing your eyes getting watery and your sight blurry.

'What if I die....forever? I- I might never get to see home...i'll never see (best friend(S) name)

i'll never -'

A whack to the back of the head, which later turns out to be a rolled up newspaper, brings you out once gain of your thoughts.

The entire time you were trapped in your thoughts, Recovery Girl watched you have a mini meltdown by your expressions.

Her own thoughts activating. 'Why does she seem so surprised? Isn't her quirk based around flying or something? '

As she wondered small gasps and tiny pitter-patter of what was tears, hitting on plastic turned her attention to the rather (frail / even if your chubby or obese you can still be frail, i think.) girl to notice her seemingly freaking out, more than she probably should be doing.

SO naturally, being the kind and caring woman she was, grabbed a newspaper, rolled it up, and gave her a small wacking to the back of her head. Thankful that it seemed to snap her out of it.

"I need you to breathe honey. Can you do that for me?" She asks softly, hoping that maybe the tone would help further. Which worked rather nicely in her favor. A shaky nod was her response as you tried to calm down. Freezing up when you felt pressure on your back, only to look up and see recovery girl was just rubbing your back.

And you were grateful.

After a couple of minutes, you finally calmed down. Giving her a small smile of gratitude. "Thanks..." You pause not knowing her name. Which was kinda funny to you, considering you used to read BNHA fanfics on Quotev, Wattpad, and a couple other sights that would mention her name constantly.

A chuckle escaped the aged woman as she told her, her name. "I'm The Youthful Hero: Recovery Girl. But you can call me

Shuzenji Chiyo"

You blinked 'oh right japanese they do it backwards....wait am I talking in japanese??' you wondered briefly before nodding your head. "Um, I hope im not being rude but you think i can call you Chiyo?" You nervously ask, causing the woman to raise a brow slightly. "I just uh, don't think i can say, or pronounce your last name - sorry." you sheepishly explain.

a nod was her response as it made sense. She could tell this girl was obviously not japanese (unless u are then you spent a lot of time in america and got an accent) due to the slight accent in her words.

"Alright, but whats your name?"

You hesitated momentarily, Should you ell her th truth or give a fake name...?

eh fuck it.

"My name is Y - Er, L/n Y/n. " Another chuckle escaped Chiyo. "Not from around here are you sweetie?" she half joked with a teasing smile. The tension that was in your shoulders disapaciated and gave a sigh before smiling at her. "That obvious huh?" You asked with an awkward grin.

"Well You almost said your first name before your last." "W-well, uhh, im actually (your ethnicity ) but my first language is (if not english than your natural one.) But I uh recently moved to America a couple months I guess i caught the accent quickly." you explain with a small smile still present.

"Oh? Then why are you here in Japan?"

"Honestly......i don't know." your gaze went downwards.

A sigh escaped her lips before shaking her head. "Maybe its amnesia? Or at least part time memory loss."

Before you could rebuttal (not like you were planning to,) a loud groan interrupted you both.

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