CHapter four: surprising comfort?

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"So, Y/n, tell us about yourself!"

"Yeah tell us dude! We barely know you!"

You blinked, "I just got here, I - i'd be concerned if you DID know me- " you comment at Denki's statement.

A laugh escapes the person next to you, aka Sero. "Haha, yeah kaminari! She doesn't even have her food yet, and already you're - "

Denki pouts, (which you internally squeal at) and interjects the living tape dispenser. "Hey! You were doing the same thing earlier man!"

SAid rebuttal made you giggle along with Mina.

You 6 were walking to the lunch room for, well, lunch. Bakugou and Kirishima went up already, well, more like bakuHOE stomped off muttering something about 'damn extra!' as kiri being the good husbando-materiel-sharkie he was, went to calm him down.

You watched them with a grin, "I haven't been in UA for even a day, and already I ship those two." You mumble to yourself, surprised when mina squeals next to you. "Same!!! I swear they were made for each other!! Kyaaaa!!!" THe pinkette fangirls making you smile with wide eyes in surprise.

"Holy crap Mina -" You laugh for a while before noticing her shocked face. "H-hey....whats wrong?" You ask the alien girl in worry. Meanwhile the Female was shocked you just up and called her by her first name. "Oh- Sorry. You just called me by my first name, I was surprised." GUilt hit you, you kept forgetting that without permission, that calling someone by their first name could be a sign of disrespect.

"Oh shi- I'm so sorry! I just -" You wince, - "Woah hey! I'm not mad! Just confused girl!" Mina intervenes before you can freak out but so much. "R-Right....sorry, I just....ah, I guess you guys can tell i have an accent to my japanese, right?" You trail off waiting for the 3 to nod.

"Yup! Although i was wondering if it was just me though, " Sero comments making Kaminari nod his head in response. "Same here dude, glad to know im not the only one."

You sigh and begun to explain, well sorta.

"(insert where you lived before moving to america,) Then I moved to America, and I guess I got used to the language, i picked up on the accent some. Not to mention my original accent from before the move. o i guess they kinda clash a little bit. "


"Well I'm american / I am from America, so that is why i have an accent"

"Ob wow! So you're an exchange student from america then?" denki asks to which you shook your head. "Uh, no...I'm uh, " You didn't know how to tell them without TELLING them.

Thankfully you didn't really have to, since before you could even attempt to stuteer an explanation, a certain grape head was seen running out of the lunchroom crying. With a very Upset Momo holding an even more pissed jirro back from murder as You could see the outline of Ururaka(i can never spell her name correctly, im sorry!) trying to diffuse the two females.

"Wonder what thats about..." A voice that belonged to the kawaii alien is heard.

Denki looks over at Mina and shakes his head, "Probably did or said something perverted."

Sero rose an eyebrow and jutted in, "wait then why didn't he have a slap mark? he usually doesn't run out the room crying. "

Mina looked between the bickering boys and then to you, rolling her eyes at the pair of idiots beside ya'll.

"Ignore them, lets go get some food!"

As much as you didn't want to disappoint her, and although you were particularly fond of Mineta, you would feel awful if you didn't at least check up on the grape. "Oh, uh, is it alright if I use the bathroom first?"

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