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SO you were just watching some TikTok. Specifically some BNHA ones, while listening to a compliation of 'How many times midoriya says kacchan' on youtube. Honestly, you can see why Bakugou is so annoyed with the nickname.


You were doing all this, on your bed, since it was saturday and you were finally getting a break from (whatever job you'd like) . And you were actually kind of grateful for it. Normally you were a hard worker, well, if it caught your interest or someone made a good point why to do it. Otherwise you kinda half-ass it.

Recently they had hired a new employee, which isn't a big deal since this happen frequently with the new sickness and shit happening in (Your State / Country/ hometown) recently.

But what bugged you was the fact that this new employee just kept...staring, at you. A lot actually. And although you are somewhat flattered that someone could find any interest in your crazy ass, it also freaked you the fuck out.

So naturally you approached them, and asked what was up. But they didn't talk, move, or anything. It was like they were a statue. You wish you could say you gave a patient or even an ecouraging smile for them to relax. But sadly, that wasn't the case. You slowly backed away and ignored / avoided them for the rest of the week.

Now looking back at it, you wonder if they were just super shy or something? Maybe like Tamaki from BNHA?

A small smile came across your face, 'cute...'

With a sigh you got up from your comfy bed, in order to work on some documents one of your friends since childhood, gave to you. Long story short they fell ill, well, their breast cancer came back 3 times as bad as when it first happened.

And she really needed to get these papers done, or she'd lose her job, and you, being a very sympathetic to almost everyone, (especially her), decided to help her out.

Tapping the pen against your temple, and blowing your (color hair / wig color) hair out of your face, you sigh.

Maybe you could do it later? Even though you just begun to work on it again...

With a shake of your head you look at the time, 10:34 PM. You had work early in the morning unforuantely.

'Guess i'll just have to work on it when i get back'

getting ready for bed only took about 5-10 minutes tops. As you crawled into bed, you had to block out certain things that were trying to give you anxiety, per usual. Thankfully, your body was exceptionally tired, and you ended up passing out before such thoughts could invade into your very tired brain.


Waking up, or at least momentarily, you moved on the very springy bed and dug back under the seemingly thick covers, trying to fall back asleep.





' Wait a damn minute - ' your brain registered your thoughts as your eyes SNAPPED open in surprise.

You were laying in what seemed to be a.....hospitial?

(3rd pov)

The (hair color even if died or a wig) colored person sat up in their bed in panic.

Where were they? how the fuck did they get here? WHEN the fuck did they get here. Where was HERE?

SO many question ran through the (chubby / skinny / THICC) 's mind that they didn't noticed the sound of footsteps coming towards their bedside.

"Oh good you're up dearie. Gave us quite a startle there." An elderly voice spoke up, making Y/n freeze up.

'No..' they thought. 'no it- it can't be...' they shakily lifted their head up only to see an all too familiar woman.

Recovery Girl.

"holy shit"

Cracktastic Luck {BNHA x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now