Curiosity & Its Answer - Intrulogical

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Some strange thoughts itch at Logan as he studies the digestive system, but one side in particular knows his answers to them and is willing to show them to him.

Ship: Pred!Remus x Prey!Logan

tw: foodplay, chewing mention, interacting with stomach acids


Moonlight shone around the small blue room as the clock struck twelve. There was a murmur downstairs in the living and, one by one, all the sides started to retire for the night. The mind palace was now much more peaceful and was quiet. Logan looked up from his book as he saw the sides head inside their rooms. He'd cooped himself up in his room all day, most of the time studying human anatomy, something Thomas took interest in. It was always fun learning something new and it could potentially help with Thomas' health. He always encouraged them to make sure their health was in good condition and helped them form good habits.

Logan happily continued to study, almost losing track of time. The sound of the other sides' footsteps telling him it was time to sleep, though, he really wanted to continue to study. Perhaps he could stay up just another hour, at least to get through the chapter he was currently reading. It was about the digestive system and all its intricate organs that made it up. One part that was particularly interesting to him was, of course, the stomach. It was able to hold up to a maximum of 4 liters of food which was a massive amount compared to the actual size of a stomach.

Once the noise from the footsteps started to die down, Logan looked out of his room, an idea popping into his head. Maybe he should read downstairs. Perhaps some toast and crofters would be nice. He hadn't eaten dinner yet anyway. And, as if on queue, his stomach grumbled, grumbling for something to eat. Well, now he had an excuse to read more past his bedtime. Gently, he bookmarked the page he was at, closed it, and headed downstairs into the living room with the book.

A soft thump was heard as Logan placed the book onto the kitchen table. He looked through the cabinets, grabbing some bread and crofters. A toaster sat near the microwave on the counter and soon, he placed some bread in. He went back over into the living room, finding Remus sitting on the couch with a book in hand.

"Whatcha doing, nerdy wolverine?" Remus asked.

"I'm studying the digestive system. It's quite fascinating. And you?" Logan asked, a bit surprised to see Remus reading at all.

"Oh, I'm just reading Fifty Shades of Grey. I really wonder how I've never read this book before!" They said, an excitedness in their voice.

When Logan looked more closely to the book, it indeed was Fifty Shades of Grey. It was quite appropriate for the side, even though they weren't in his taste. He looked back over to the book he brought down on the table, and soon opened it back up to the page he stopped on. There was a diagram of the digestive system which listed all the parts of it. He traced a finger from the mouth down to the stomach. Suddenly, a disturbing thought came to his head. He imagined being swallowed down, able to see and feel the organ for himself, but he simply shook the thoughts away. Certainly, he didn't want to act on the thoughts, right?

A ding from the toaster rang in the kitchen, getting Logan out of his sea of thoughts. Quickly, he retrieved the two toast from the toaster and started to spread some crofters onto them. He walked back over to the table where his book lay, and sat down. A crunch was heard when he ate one of the pieces of toast. Once again, he opened his book back up, reading through the chapter as he ate. Soon, though, the thoughts of being eaten came back to him. He tried to shake the thoughts out of his head once more, trying not to get distracted, but suddenly, it was the only thing on his mind. Desperately, he tried to focus on reading until Remus' voice cut through his thoughts.

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