Reality - Thomxiety

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Virgil never thought he'd ever end up in the physical world, one of his worst nightmares, but thank goodness Thomas has a solution.

This oneshot is part of the Reality Series.

Ship: Pred!Thomas (Character) x Prey!Virgil

tw:  implied digestion


It was around six o'clock when the sun slowly started to rise from its slumber and start to brighten the day. The sky turned a light blue as morning came to wake everyone up. Thomas' room was quiet as usual, nothing disturbing his sleep from last night. Though, while in a dream, he noticed he didn't feel quite like himself. It almost felt like a part of him had vanished, but he simply pushed those thoughts to the side, thinking it might've just been Remus messing with him again like usual. By the morning, he'd feel okay, right?

The warm, moving floor suddenly woke up Virgil, too sleepy to really process what was happening. Slowly, he glanced around realizing this wasn't the last place he slept. Confusion only filled his racing head. "Where in the world am I?" Virgil thought, a bit of anxiety starting to flow through him. Looking up, he saw what seemed to be a large fabric on top of him. The warmth between the moving floor and the giant piece of fabric seemed to try and make him fall asleep. Though, suddenly, a sharp realization hit him. As farfetched as his idea was, it only seemed to be the most reasonable explanation. It seemed to be the only explanation! As scared as he was, he begrudgingly tried to crawl his way out from under the gigantic fabric that was keeping him trapped.

As soon as Virgil saw an opening, he quickly crawled out into the light. A chillness instantly hit him as he crawled out and it took a while for his eyes to properly adjust. But as soon as his eyes adjusted, he wanted to go back under the blankets as he saw the giant head of Thomas. The moving floor he was crawling on must've been Thomas' stomach and the big fabric was the blanket. The small side shook in fear. He never remembered being summoned. Had his nightmares come to life? Quickly, he slapped his face, hoping to knock some sense into himself but it only hurt. Hurt!? Being hurt physically only happened to Thomas. Since all the sides were in Thomas' mind, they couldn't physically get hurt. He touched the cheek he slapped and noticed that it was still sore. This was a living nightmare... He got stuck into reality...

"T-T-Thomas?" Virgil stuttered as he stood up on top of Thomas' chest. Looking down, he saw how Thomas' chest moved up and down with each breath the giant took in his slumber. He slowly walked over toward the massive head, shaking a bit due to the moving chest below him. "Thomas?" He whispered, even more quieter than the last. The fear inside him tried to take over but he made sure to keep some composure and maybe figure out what exactly was happening. Momentarily, he glanced to the giant window that he had seen many times before in the morning when Thomas would get out of bed, but now seeing it with his own eyes felt weird. All the sides were able to tune into what Thomas was looking at but to see with his own eyes while Thomas was sound asleep was quite scary.

Virgil knew quite a few of the sides would love to have a physical body instead of being stuck in Thomas' mind all day every day, but a lot of things about reality scared him. He'd have to manage without the other sides if he wanted to live in Thomas' reality. Physically getting hurt was something he never wished to experience, and he intended to keep that. As crazy as it sounded, he wanted to stay inside Thomas' mind where all he needed to deal with was his emotional hurt. The small side continued to walk toward Thomas' face, a scrap of hope keeping him from breaking down.

Virgil finally made it up to Thomas' face and gently touched the bottom of his chin. Fear flowed all over his body as he touched the bottom of Thomas' smooth chin, though he wasn't entirely sure why he felt so scared near Thomas. He knew this person for his entire life! He was a part of him! So why was he trembling now? His tiny feet felt Thomas' heartbeat underneath him, making his whole body seem to pulse in rhythm with it. Out of curiosity, he placed two fingers to his neck, mesmerized at how in sync their heartbeats were. It calmed him down a bit more and gave him the courage to finally try and wake up Thomas.

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