In the God's Favor - Logicality

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Logan gets sacrificed to a god with no escape, but it looks like the god was more merciful than he thought.

Ship: Pred!Patton x Prey!Logan

tw: unwilling prey, death mention, human sacrifice


A sharp throbbing pain ached throughout Logan's body. There was a coolness that lingered on his skin as his eyes opened and a wind rushed through. It made the tall jungle trees' leaves rustle making him wake up more. Where was he? Was this a dream? Another pang of pain shot through his body as he tried to stand up. He looked down, memories coming back to him. His legs were broken, and he was bound tight by some ropes. Birds chirped in the distance which brought him to look at his surroundings. Tall trees covered every square inch of the place except where he lay, helpless to the elements. Soon, he saw an enormous amount of food and other items scattered about where he sat, and it finally clicked. He turned around, looking up at the massive palace that was much too big for any human.

Tears flowed down Logan's face, both from the sharp pain in his legs and from the horror that consumed him. They were real. The gods were real. He was so skeptical that he announced it to his village, and now he was stuck in this horrible terrifying mess. Another wind blew past him, making him shiver. It almost seemed like his body would go numb if it kept blowing. The cold surface he sat on didn't help either, except for maybe soothing his broken legs. As hazy as his mind was, he was able to connect why he was with all this food and items. He was a sacrifice. Now he knew why he was kidnapped. It all made sense now... but there was still a chance that this was just an empty abandoned palace. A very well kept giant palace, but it could just be a human's doing.

A thump rang in Logan's ears and the ground shook under him. His heart sank as the ground continued to shake, each one progressively getting more and more violent, until there stood a giant. They towered over him and he cowered, terrified at what they would do to him. Their eyes pierced through his soul. The terror that trembled through him triumphed over the throbbing pain in his tied-up legs and body. He tried to stop shaking, do anything to calm himself down, but the giant god's presence made him cry more.

"You poor thing!" they said, "I told them not to give me human sacrifices!"

The giant god's hands scooped up Logan's tiny broken form. Their fingers towered over him and their shadow casted down on him. He blinked at what they said, still bawling but now equally confused. It almost sounded like this god was concerned for him. Though, there was no way they'd miss the opportunity to hurt a skeptic like him! All of a sudden, the ropes disappeared at the snap of their large fingers. There were marks all over his body from how tight the ropes were and his body just ached. He tried to back away as far from their face as possible, but there was no strength left from his body as he tried to process everything that was happening.

"I can't believe it! After I told them no-..."

Logan's head started to spin at the god's fast movements, and it was getting hard and harder to keep himself awake. Another sharp pain jolted through his body as they moved, making him scream in agony. His eyes shot open and his hands dashed to his mouth to cover it. It was obvious he was in pain, but he still didn't want to look vulnerable, even though he knew, logically, the worst was probable.

"Oh dear! I'm sorry..." they said, looking at his broken legs, "I'm not gonna hurt you, kiddo. I promise..."

The god's voice was soft and almost calming. It was confusing that they were so gentle with Logan, even though they could easily crush him if they wanted to. He tried to think logically through this mess. It was probable he would die at the hands of this god or be tortured. He tried to prepare and come to terms with his terrible fate, but he just couldn't stop crying, all his bottled-up emotions flowing out all at once. His eyes met with their giant ones for a brief moment, an expression of worry and concern painting their face. It was as if they were saying sorry.

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