Finding a Home - Moxiety

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Patton gets trapped in a snowstorm while finding a new place to live, but a certain human couldn't stand to see him die.

Ship: Pred!Virgil x Prey!Patton

tw: unwilling prey, mentions of death, mentions of chewing


"No, no, no..." Patton muttered as the snowstorm howled.

Not in a million years did Patton think he'd get caught in a snowstorm. He thought of himself as a smart borrower and always made sure to get home as soon as he borrowed what he needed, but now he had no home to go to now... Once the owners of the last home he lived in found out about his presence, they started placing mice traps and locking all their food. He wasn't safe and had to move, as much as he didn't want to. Finding another home as a borrower was a nightmare and just living outside guaranteed he'd be mauled to death by some stray cat or racoon. But now it seemed like there was no hope in finding a new home as he was now stuck in a forest. The snow made it terribly hard to see anything. His hands turned an icy blue and his feet felt numb trying to walk through the thick snow. Finally, a gush of wind made him collapse near a tree.

Patton was too tired to get up from where he laid. The big snowflakes started to pour down on him, covering his tiny frail body more and more. Tears ran down his face and into the snowy floor as he laid there, helpless. His limbs became numb and it was hard to move out of the snow pile that got bigger every minute. Time seemed to slow as his mind went fuzzy. His heart started to slow, now becoming too tired to even cry, the tears from before freezing on his face. He knew he was going to die, so he watched as the snowflakes fall to the ground, trying to enjoy the little time he had left, until the ground suddenly rumbled.

Patton knew what was coming, and so desperately wanted to get away. He didn't want to die by a human's hand. At least nature seemed more forgiving to him than any human ever would be. A human would only torture him over and over again until they got bored of his existence or they'd lock him in a cage as some kind of pet. With all his might, he tried to push himself away from the terrifying human who was looking at him. His sniffles were drowned out by the roaring wind that froze his limbs. The ground rumbled all around him as the human finally got down on their knees, staring into his soul. Their eyes seemed locked right on him as he closed his eyes, bracing himself for the absolute worst.

"You're gonna be okay, I promise..."

Patton opened his eyes, shocked at how softly they spoke. Their eyes beamed with concern as he watched in horror their hands go right to him. Quickly, he balled up, wanting this nightmare to end. His world went dark and became just a bit warmer. He opened his eyes again, confusion and shock pulsing through his body. The human hadn't killed him. Instead, they simply cupped them in their hands. He was glad to finally start to warm up a bit again, but he knew better than to trust the human, even if it seemed they were trying to help. Now that his limbs were starting to warm up, he tried to pry open their fingers.

"Don't hurt me, ple- please..." Patton said, his voice hoarse from not speaking for a while.

A rush of wind hit Patton's face, and he looked down in horror, seeing the human was now standing up. He bolted back inside, wanting more warmth. He was surprised just how gentle they were being especially if they stood up without him noticing. Maybe his mind was still too fuzzy to really notice their movements. He snuggled into their palms, just wanting more warmth. It wasn't like he could stop them from whatever horrible thing they were planning to do with him. A few moments of silence passed until they spoke.

"I know this looks bad but- but I promise you'll- you'll be fine..."

Suddenly, Patton felt the gigantic hands move and be lifted into an even darker and warmer place. He didn't know where he was at first, but, finally, his heart sank.

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