I Care - Moceit

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One night, Janus is awoken to the sound of crying, and he knew he just needed to help.

Ship: Pred!Janus x Prey!Patton


A small cry echoed through the mindscape, making Janus wake up. He retired to his room with the other sides just like every night, the dark sides going to their part of the house while the light sides went to theirs. They had dinner together as usual, and everyone seemed busy with their own things to do, though he did pick up on a strange energy. It almost sounded like a cry for help, but it seemed so small that he thought it would simply pass. Plus, the amount of energy everyone had during dinner time made it hard for him to pick up on such things. Logan was doing an experiment nearby with Remus, Roman and Virgil were watching Disney movies nonstop, and Patton was of course cooking for the rest of them. He wanted to help though Patton was adamant they could cook by themself. Of course, he wasn't one to intrude much, so he simply left them to cook.

Another wale echoed through Janus' dark room, now louder than before. Something about the energy he picked up made his heart sink. It made him want to curl up and cry too. The energy was just depressing all around and stung at his chest. He tried to listen in more, trying to see if he could pick out who was crying. As he listened, his mind wandered. If one of the sides completely broke, the rest could collapse, and he couldn't let that happen to Thomas. He didn't even want to imagine what the mindscape would look like if they all broke. Certainly, he knew it wasn't anything good.

Their cries were soft, so Janus knew it was one of the light sides crying, but once he finally recognized the voice, his eyes widened, and his heart sank. He knocked his head with the palm of his hand. It was now so obvious who he picked up the energy from when he was eating dinner with all the sides. Though, he shook his head. It wasn't the time to berate himself for not talking with Patton earlier. He yawned as he got up from his bed and went over to the light sides' part of the mindscape. As he walked, the wales grew louder and louder, and he could pick up on Patton's energy more. Their energy weighed him down, making him move more sluggish. Once he was at their room, he gently knocked on the door. He took a deep breath in before he spoke.

"Patton, are you alright?"

There was no response and the crying started softening.

"May I come in?" Janus knocked on the door once more, it opening by itself. He blinked as it cracked open, surprised, but when he peeked into the room, he almost didn't see the tiny crying Patton laying on their bed that was now much too big for them. With a slow step, he walked into the room and closed the door behind him. He looked over to Patton with concern in his eyes as he walked over to the bed and crouched down, so he wouldn't intimidate the tiny side who seemed to be now a mere two inches tall. A frown formed on his face as they cried in front of him. Instinct told him to hold them on the spot and coddle them with all his love, but he didn't want to frighten them anymore than he already did. He turned away, making sure they didn't feel stared down at, and he covered the snake half of his face with his hat the best he could. There he sat as he waited for them to say something. It felt like an eternity in the silence until they spoke.

"I'm sorry..." Patton's voice was so weak and soft that Janus almost didn't hear it.

"What are you sorry for?" He tried to hide his sarcastic tone as much as he could.

"I'm... sorry you saw me like this. I- I just feel like- like..."

"... a mess?"

A silence filled the room, as Janus waited for a reply. He was now sitting down on the floor as he looked at the ground.

"Could you face me, please?"

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