Chapter 16 wedding

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(This will be a Longer chapter so buckle in your seats grab some popcorn or whatever and get ready to read this people)

Polly: "hello miss Bride you need to get down here with the kids and Bailey"

Betty: "we are bailey is asleep in the back with Junebug and Brooke is in her car seat in the from with me"

Polly: "your early your supposed to be here by five not four"

Betty: "I know but I just had to see you guys before moving into the Wyrm"

Polly: " well how long are you gonna be from here"

Betty: "we are two mins away just passed pops"

Polly: "Mom she said she just passed pops * Alice: tell her to hurry up now. Mom said hurry up"

Betty: "we are here"

Betty: "Bailey Bailey wake up I've got Brooke"

Bailey: "who left the hay bail huh..oh yeah"

Polly: "hey guys I'll get Junebug"

JB: "Morning Betty and Bailey"

Betty: "morning JB"

Alice: "go get your dad up to go and wake up the boys please"


FP: "I'm here morning Betty Bailey Alice Polly JB Junebug Juniper and Brooke and goodbye to all of you"

Betty: "just be careful Ryden is asleep"

Polly: "so the hair stylist is coming at half five and the makeup artist is coming at six we all are ready by eight be at the Wyrm by nine get married by eleven and party from one boom"

Bailey: "ok it's five now we got thirty mins to eat and wash our faces"

Junebug: "where is Dagwood"

Polly: "with FP and Ryden and Uncle Jug and Zack"

Juniper: "JUNEBUG!!"

Junebug: "hi! I missed you but my sister is asleep"

Alice: "hi Veronica Cheryl Toni Josie London Maya Nia and Maddie"

London: "Who is getting married"

Betty: "I am whoop whoop *all the girls laughing*"

Cheryl: "sweet cousin me and the girls have someone come and sing for you and Jughead"

Betty: "who is it"

Maddie: "we can't tell you obviously"

Maya: " but it will bring a tear to your eye"

Betty: "if so I'm gonna cry"

Veronica: "oh look who woke up from their nap"

Josie: "so did this one and Brooke"

Alice: "right there are so many girls here but oh well just find a seat and once your hair and makeup is done get the dresses on and the kids ones on then pics"

Back with the boys

FP: "mustang are they up"

Mustang: "nope but the boys have gone over to try wake them up"

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