i decided to make the most of the time I had

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  • Dedicated to @Idontevennknow1

The question suddenly became a heavy weight in my mind. Was I ready to walk away from my main source of happiness that had helped me smile through the past few years? Did I want to go back to that place? A place of emptiness and sadness that these four guys had lifted me from, back onto my feet.

I take Michael’s hand, flash a small smile and say, “Okay.”

Of course I did not want my time with Michael to end, but I decided to make the most of the time I had. We head down the familiar hallway and then take a left to walk back from where I came from originally. I catch Michael throwing small smiles and sneaking quick looks at me. I blush, smile back at him and then turn my glance to the floor. At the end of the hallway I notice a brighter light, realizing the main hallway surrounding the arena is illuminated by bright ceiling lights.

Still hidden in the shadows of our private hallway, I turn to Michael and say, “Can you say hi to Jae for me,” I start and he gives me a questioning look, “like in a video to her,” I finish.

He turns and walks the other way and I remain in the same spot, sticking out my bottom lip in a fake pout. He lets out that familiar laugh and walks back toward me with his hand extended. I reach into my pocket for my phone and quietly mumble, to myself, “you’re such an idiot.”

“Heyyy,” he says dragging out the y and jutting his lip out into a fake frown.

I throw my hands up to cover my face, flushing with embarrassment, realizing he had heard what I said. He laughs again and I feel his hands on mine, softly pulling my hands off of my face.

“What is it?” he asks looking down at me.

“Oh, uhh I don’t know,” I reply, looking down to the floor.

“How ‘bout that video, yeah?” he asks, bringing my gaze back up to his with a grin.

“Really?!” I ask.

“Yeah, of course,” he replies and sticks his tongue out at me with a laugh.

I hand him my phone again and blush returns to my cheeks as I see Michael slide away my lock screen of the bright haired boy. He laughs and changes the screen to front camera video and pushes the red button. After he finishes the video to Jae, I am laughing and beaming with excitement as I say,

“Thank you, she’ll love it!”

Michael flashes me a goofy grin and hands me back my phone. We start heading down the hallway and Michael starts to hum, I recognize the tune of Green Day’s ‘American Idiot’ and I start to squeal with excitement as I shout out,

“Oh my God that’s my favorite cover!”

I put my right hand over my mouth to stifle my laughter. Michael is already hysterical and I start to walk faster down the hallway. I hear his black combat boots hitting the floor as he catches up to me, his height giving him an advantage. He slows down and wraps his right arm around the top of my shoulders and throws a smile at me, which I return with a smirk.

“So it’s your favorite yeah?” He asks and I nod.

“What’s your favorite part?” he asks.

“Ummm,” I pause, “your guitar solos, they are just incredible and your voice of course!”

“Thanks,” he says with a grin.

We finally near the end of the hallway, seeing the bright light illuminating from the large lamps of the arena’s lobby. Before we are revealed into the lobby, we stop and Michael turns so we are facing each other. I look at him, waiting for him to say something and he puts out his right hand, so I tentatively grab his hand with my left. He smiles and grabs my right hand with his left.

“It was lovely meeting you Isabella, my new mate,” Michael says as he finishes with a chuckle.

“You too Michael, I still can’t believe it…” I trail off, the last mainly to myself, looking down to the side and blushing.

Michael tugs on my hands and pulls me into a hug, my head tucking perfectly into the crevice of his neck. I feel Michael shift and kiss the top of my head and a smile spreads across my face. We stay like this for a while, until we hear the sound of a picture being taken. Michael squeezes me tighter and turns us so his back is facing the arena lobby.

“Shit,” he mutters, “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay, who was it?” I ask quietly.

We separate and Michael says, “I think it was a reporter, they were dressed in all black with their hood up,” he pauses and then continues, “media can be so annoying sometimes.”

He looks away and appears to get angry, as we both register the sound of several shoes and boots hitting the cement floor on their way to our hiding spot.

“Why are they still here?” Michael asks no one in particular.

I look down at my phone and notice that I’ve been with Michael for almost an hour. I let out a little laugh, still shocked of what has happened this afternoon.

“What is it?” Michael asks.

“Oh nothing,” I respond with a chuckle.

He looks at me questionably and shrugs his shoulders, as if saying ‘whatever’. Michael once again comes closer and pulls the hood of the gray sweatshirt closer around my face, as it had fallen as we were walking and takes black sunglasses out of his pocket. I take the sunglasses from him and put them onto my face with a smile.

Michael wraps his right arm around my shoulder and pulls me close to his side. I take my left arm and wrap it around his waist as we venture out to the lobby.

“Ready?” he looks down and asks me for the second time today.


Hey luvs!


I know it's been awhile since I updated! I was so busy with university finals and just everything else going on ha! I'm now on winter break so hopefully I can update more often!

Would you rather have more frequent smaller updates or longer updates later? lemme know Xx

- L :)

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