The Poison Ant

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The Poison Ant kingdom always lived in peace, however a gang of grasshoppers attacked in the middle of the night.

Their leader Hopper knew the poison ant colony was the strongest of them all. Hopper, of course, devised a plan to take down the kingdom by killing the future king.

"Remember now, the prince is what we're after. Kill the other poison ants, we don't want any of them to run for help." Hopper orders his gang of grasshoppers. Hopper takes off with the grasshoppers following close behind him. The grasshoppers flew for two nights to the poison ant colony without stopping for rest.

The night Hopper and his gang arrived, they were too late for the king and queen quickly took the prince out of the kingdom.

Through the tall blades of grass, with the young prince tucked closely to his mother's chest, King Reed and Queen Lily ran.

"Hurry! we're almost to the border!" King Reed called out. The Queen pulled her son closer to her, his face buried under her neck.

Once they reached the border, the Queen set her son down on the ground. The young prince stared at his father, heart pounding against his chest in fear.

"You must hide your wings and change your skin to grey. An old friend of mine will take care of you, son." The King blinked at the young prince.

*SCREAM*, "THEY'RE HERE!" a voice calls out.

Queen Lily took her son's hands in her's, "Mena etch." she whispered as tears slowly fell from her eyes.

"Your memories of this day will never be forgotten my son, but you must also never tell anyone who you really are." she pointed out.

"Son," the boy turned to his father, "Sena will protect you. Mas Toyo." The boy turned facing south, where the grey Ant kingdom lies.

Sena is waiting for him. "Run son. Run Leon, we love you." The Queen whispered to her son. Leon glanced at his parents one last time, then ran. Not knowing he would never see them again.

The King and Queen stood there watching their son run through the blades of grass and disappear into the darkness of night.

The two red ants glanced at each other also knowing that was the last time they will ever see their son, and hope that he makes it to the grey ant island kingdom alive.

The King and Queen quickly ran back to the kingdom, hoping to save their people, however, they arrived too late for many poison ants were dead. They spotted Hopper standing on the anthill with hatred flashing in his eyes.

Hopper bolted to the king, and grabbed his neck, "You think this is over?! Well, guess what?! I will find Leon and make him bleed!"

King Reed glared at him, "He will stop you, Hopper." He choked. Hopper tightens his grip on the king's neck.

"Your son won't be able to stop me. He is a worthless child! Even if it takes me a hundred years I will find your son and kill him!"

King Reed felt chills travel down his spine. His throat tightened as he felt fearful for his son. His eyes narrowed, wings twitching as he felt fury burn in his chest.

"HE WILL STOP YOU!" King Reed screamed, his throat felt like it was on fire. All confidence he felt now was replaced by fear.

The world spun in King Reed's eyes as Hopper's face blurred in and out of his vision. Spots flew around, darkness following not far behind.

The king spotted the prince over Hopper's shoulder, hiding behind a blade of grass, watching the scene unfold before him.

"Goodbye Leon..." he whispered incoherently.

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