The Council Chamber/South Kingdom

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No Pov

Flik stood in front of the council, looking down at his feet. "Flik, what do you have to say for yourself?" Princess Atta accused.

"Sorry I-I'm sorry for the way I am. I didn't mean for things to go wrong. I especially didn't want you to look, bad Princess." Flik answers looking up at Atta.

"Well Flik, ya did."

"I was just trying to help." Flik looks back down.

"Then help us... Don't help us!" Mr. Soil added. Flik glances up at Mr. Soil and they both stare at each other.

Mr. Soil shakes his head slightly as if they were both having a conversation without saying anything.

"Flik you are sentenced to one month digging in the tunnels." Princess Atta growled, not taking notice that Flik and Mr. Soil were staring at each other. Mr. Soil breaks their little staring contest and looks at Princess Atta.

Thorny suddenly reminds the princess of Flik's tunnel-within-the-tunnel project and states that he should be sent to the infirmary to help the sick and injured, but Dr. Flora shakes her head begging no.

Mr. Soil, however, remains dead silent as the council members try to find a suitable punishment. Flik turns his back turned to the council, thinking about what Mr. Soil had just said.

"Help..." His eyes widened, "maybe I can convince them to let me go get help. I can get Maya!" Flik smiles then quickly turns.

"It's Perfect!"

The council turns to Flik astonished. Mr. Soil noticed the glint in Flik's eyes, "Oh no..." he thought, "what did that boy just think of?"

"Perfect? What's perfect?"

Flik ran up to the Queen, "Your majesty don't you see? We can send someone to get help!" The council gasps.

"Leave the island?" Princess Atta was suprised. Mr. Soil, Cornelius, Thorny, and Dr. Flora looked at each other as if they saw a ghost.

"Now why didn't I think of that? Oh because it's SUICIDE!" The Queen breathed sarcastically.

"She's right. We never leave. There are snakes, birds, and bigger bugs out there!" Thorny pointed out.

Flik's eyes filled up with excitement. "Exactly! Bigger bugs! We can get bigger bugs to come here and fight. Forever rid Hopper and his gang!"

Mr. Soil facepalmed, and looks at Flik angry, "You ludicrous!" he yells. Flik quickly glances at him, and back to the princess.

"Who would do a crazy thing like that?" Dr. Flora asks.

Flik waves his hand, "I volunteer, I most certainly volunteer."

The Queen laughs patting his arm, "Haha, you got a lot of spunk kid. But no one is going to help a bunch of ants."

The council members look at each other, Mr. Soil closes his eyes, shaking his head.

"At least we can try. Oh, I can go to the city. I can search there."

"If you went there you would be on that silly search for weeks." The princess crosses her arms, glaring at Flik.

"Royal huddle."

The council members circled and started to whisper to each other. Flik shifted back and forth on his feet, "Please say yes. Please say yes." Flik crossed his fingers behind his back, hoping they agree.

The council faces Flik.

"Flik after much deliberation, we have decided, to grant you your wish," Atta spoke.

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