Arriving at Ant Hill

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A week of running, daring to not use his wings, not stopping to rest or eat, Leon finally reached the grey ant kingdom. By nightfall, he stopped to catch his breath, "Asa belo." he gasped.

Leon quickly ran to the island, jumping on rocks to cross the river. Making it over, he sprinted through the tall blades of grass reaching the hill.

Once he slipped inside the anthill, he quietly slunk into the shadows, cloaking himself in the darkness. "Sena must be here somewhere." he thought to himself.

Leon froze, listening closely he hears voices coming towards him in the winding halls of the hill. Leon quickly pressed himself against the wall.

"It's a shame King Reed and Queen Lily are dead. What about their son? Is he alive?" A female voice echoes softly against the walls.

"I'm sure that the young prince is alive Dr. Flora. We must not lose hope." A male voice replies.

"That voice sounds like Sena!" Leon's hope rises, feeling the heavy weight of tension leave his shoulders.

The male and female ants walk around the corner near Leon's hiding spot.

"Gasp!" Leon pushes himself closer to the wall.

The male stops after passing the corner, "Go on ahead Dr. Flora. I am going to rest."

Dr. Flora glances back at the tall male ant before her, "You have a good night Mr. Soil." Mr. Soil nods his head as Dr. Flora turns to continue down the hall and disappear around the corner.

Mr. Soil frowns and turns towards Leon's hiding spot, "Shouldn't you be in bed little one?" he asked. Cautiously, Leon steps out of the dark corner.

 "Sena?" Leon whispered, his voice shaking with a hint of fear. Leon's hands shook, "What if he's not Sena?" His lips trembled, as his eyes watered.

Mr. Soil's eyes widened at the sight of the poor boy. His skin covered in dirt, eyes red probably from lack of sleep, and he could see the boy's ribs from not eating, for at least a week the most.

"Leon?" he gasped.

Leon nodded his head voice quivering, "Ada and ma are gone, Sena. They told me to run here. That you will protect me."

Mr. Soil's shoulders relaxed, and his eyes softened, "Of course Leon. Tell me everything once we're in my chamber." Mr. Soil took Leon's hand and lead him down the halls of the anthill.

Once they were inside his chamber, Mr. Soil sat next to Leon on his flower bed. Mr. Soil listened to the young prince with worry, concern was written in his eyes as the boy explained his story.

"I heard ada whisper goodbye as Hopper strangled him and ma tried to fight him before he grabbed her neck and a sickening crack was heard. I w-watched him kill-kill..." Leon couldn't continue as tears fell from his eyes.

Mr. Soil wrapped his arms around the boy, rubbing his back as he cried against his chest. "What did my colony do to Hopper? Why!? Why them!?" Leon wailed as more tears fell.

The sight broke Mr. Soil's heart. Leon should never experience the loss of his parents, especially at his age.

Leon sniffed,"Hopper told his gang to continue to look for me. He threatened to search in every anthill if they must." The boy rubbed his eyes.

Hearing the threat made Mr. Soil's stomach churn and his head spin from the oncoming headache. Not only is the prince is in danger, but the Grey ant Kingdom is in danger too.

Mr. Soil grabbed Leon's shoulders and stared at him in the eyes, "You cannot use your poison ant name here, nor can you speak the language in public. It is dangerous!" Leon nodded his head.

"You call me Mr. Soil in front of the other ants, and your name won't be Leon in public. Flik... Hmmm. That name will work for you. Do you understand?" Mr. Soil grasped Leon's shoulders tighter.

Leon, now Flik, searched in Soil's eyes. They were full of worry, concern, fear, and something else the boy can't place. "Yes Mr. Soil, I understand." The boy answered.

Mr. Soil loosened his grip on the boy's arms and watched as the boy swung his legs back and forth.

A smile crosses his face, realizing that this boy is smart enough to handle himself even at a young age.

"You are smart Flik, and I know that one day you will take back your kingdom young prince." Flik nodded his head before a yawn escaped past his mouth.

"Don't worry Flik. I will protect you."
That was the last thing Flik heard before sleep took over. Mr. Soil sighed, watching the boy sleep on his lap. 

"I don't want to lie to the Queen, but I have no choice."

Mr. Soil would have to tell the Queen that Flik is his son and has been suffering an illness since he was born.

Mr. Soil's wife did die of childbirth five years ago and the baby didn't survive, however, only Dr. Flora knows about Soil's dead child. "What will Dr. Flora say or do about this?" he thought.

Mr. Soil grew concerned and worried for the boy and the choice he needs to make.

"I have to convince Dr. Flora to keep quiet about this. She doesn't need to know who Leon truly is." Mr. Soil murmurs to himself.

The question is what will the colony say or do if they found out Flik is Leon? Mr. Soil shakes his head and  sighs while watching the child sleep. "I hope beyond hope that the boy stays safe from Hopper."

Flik snuggles closer to Mr. Soil, and sighs. Mr. Soil slowly rubs the boy's back, and gently laid down on his bed with the boy next to him. Not letting go, he kept his arm wrapped around Flik and fell into a strange dream.

"Sena..." a voice echoes around Mr. Soil, bouncing back and forth in the halls of the anthill.


Mr. Soil takes in his surroundings, to see that he was in a throne room. The poison ant throne room. Standing next to the king's chair was King Reed.

"Reed?" Mr. Soil gasped. King Reed stepped down the stairs to Mr. Soil, "Yes old friend," he smiled, "I called you here for a reason."

Mr. Soil frowns, "Reed, your son..." Reed lifts his hand stopping him from continuing, "I know he is safe. He is a good boy, Sena. You will continue to be there for him."

That wasn't a question, nor a request. King Reed gave him a small smile, "Give him what I no longer can."

Mr. Soil stood there, not sure what to say, "What is it I can give him that you cannot?"

King Reed smile flattered, "A father's love. I can't give that to Leon anymore, however you are the only one he now looks up to."

Mr. Soil looks down, only to glance back up to see King Reed fade away slowly, "I trust you Sena. Keep him safe..." his voice fading as he vanished.

The next morning Mr. Soil woke up to see the boy sitting up with tears running down his face."My dear boy, what is wrong?"

Flik rubbed his eyes, "I miss them. " he whimpers. Mr. Soil rubs the boy's back in comfort.

"Mr. Soil?"

Mr. Soil stood up quickly and grabbed the boy, "That is Dr. Flora. Stay behind me." He instructed.

Dr. Flora gently pushes the chamber curtain open and spots the boy behind Mr. Soil's legs.

"Who is this Mr. Soil?" Dr. Flora asks. Mr. Soil sighs and eyed her cautiously, "This boy lost his family. He has no other home. I believe that we should keep this between us."

Dr. Flora frowned, "What happened?"

Mr. Soil clears his throat, "Well..."


Asa belo: Almost there

So what do you think? No flames plz! Thank you lovelies!

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