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A/N So Alex is going to have to go downhill to go back up again. I promise after the next chapter, she will be back to her awesome tough self. :) 


Alex blinked her eyes open, looking around. She expected to see the bedroom or the dungeons she had been in for the past few times she had woken up, but she was pleasantly surprised. She was in her own bedroom, the covers wrapped warmly around her. There was a small white card on the bedside and Alex lifted herself up pushing her hair out of her face. She grabbed the card, curious as to what it was. 

I thought you might want a nice breakfast. I had to head to work for a Warden meeting, but I left some pancakes and dillyberry cookies on the counter for you. Though I suggest you do get to them as fast as you can, or a certain someone might get to them before you. 


Alex smiled. Her smiled was short lived, however, as the memories from the past few days came flooding back. She just wanted a break. From all of it. From the constant worry of losing the people around her, from the fighting the villains, from losing the good people in general. 

She just wanted a break. 

But maybe she would never get it. 

Because there were always going to be people with bad intentions, everywhere and she knew that. 

She sighed, and tore the covers off of herself, pushing her overwhelming thoughts as far back as she could. She grabbed the loose hair tie that was on her side table and swung her thick hair into a ponytail. She walked into the kitchen, expecting to find a nice breakfast waiting for her, but was instead met with the guilty looking eyes of Jordan Sparker. 

Alex opened her mouth to say something, but Jordan cut her off. "Alex, I'm really sorry. See, I just saw them on the counter and I couldn't resist because I knew the gods were telling me to eat them and my heart and soul were telling me to eat them and they were just calling to me and I'm sorry but you've gotta listen to your heart, right?" Jordan said. 

Alex blinked, bewildered. She had never heard Jordan talk that fast. "It's fine," she said reassuringly, "I wasn't even hungry." 

"But you should eat something. Let me make it up to you, I'll make you some more pancakes."

Alex shook her head. "Really. I'm not hungry."

Jordan studied her closely for a second, before running to her and hugging her tightly. "You scared me so much, Alex," Jordan said, tightly wrapping his arms around her. 

Alex smiled slightly, feeling reassured. Because she knew that no matter what, she would do everything to keep all of them safe. 


So probably another three chapters...woohoo. 

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