His reaction to you wearing his clothes

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        His button up shirt from the Best Song Ever video

It was the morning after your first time, having sex. You woke up and looked over to Harry's side of the bed. You frowned when you didn't see him next to you. You quickly got out of bed and looked for something to throw on. A smile curved on your lips when you saw Harry's shirt from last night. You pulled it over your body buttoning most of it but making sure to leave the first couple unbuttoned. You grabbed your underwear from the night before and pulled them on before heading downstairs. You smiled when you saw Harry standing in front of  the stove cooking breakfast. You walked over ot him and wrapped your arms aroung his stomach. "Morning" you whispered. "Morning" He mumbled, sleep still thick in his voice. He turned around to give you a kiss but he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw what you were wearing. His eyes raked over your body, his fingers instantly toying with his lips. He turned his body to turn the stove off before turning back towards you. He wrapped his arms around your stomach and lifted you so you were sitting on the island in his kitchen. He hooked his fingers around the waistband of your underwear, pulling them down and whispered in your ear " I think I'd much rather eat you for breakfast."


        His adidas sweatshirt

It was a really cold night in London and nothing you were doing was keeping you warm. You were sitting in front of the fireplace with four different blankets around you and you were still freezing. Finally you through your blankets off and made your way upstairs to your shared bedroom with your boyfriend. He was currently out for a couple of drinks with the lads and you opted to stay home. you weren't feeling the best and all you wanted to do was stay home and cuddle up with a good book. Liam promised he wouldn't be out late. Once upstairs you looked through the closet and smiled when you found what you were looking for. The big oversized black swearshirt that you loved so much. You put it on over your t-shirt and headed back downstairs. You quickly crawled back under the covers and let out a content sigh. About an hour later you had drifted off to sleeping in your comfy chair. Liam walked in the front door and a smile grew even more when he saw what you were wearing. He pressed his lips to your forehead before putting out the fire. He then picked you you up and brought you upstairs for bed. He made sure not to take off the sweatshirt because he loved seeing you in it.


        His beanie

        Louis had asked you two week ago if on his week off if you guys could go to Dorchester to visit his family. He hadn't seen them in a while and he missed them like crazy. Of course you said yes because you loved his family like your own. They made you feel like part of the family almost instantly. When you woke up in the morning you were going to leave, you wished you could go back to bed. You had just started your period the night before and you were in a lot of pain. But Louis was really looking forward to this trip so you pushed your feelings aside and got up to get dressed. You quickly got into a pair of sweatpants. a t-shirt of your favorite soccer team and put on a pair of sneakers. You walked into the bathroom and looked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. You know you should proably do something with it but you just weren't feeling it. So you took Louis's beanie he wore all the time and you smiled. You grabbed the hat and put it on your head. You nodded your head and walked back out to the bedroom. You put on your jacket and headed downstairs to meet Louis. He was waiting for you at hte bottom of the stair case and a smile curved his lips when he saw you. "Sorry I'm not really dressed up today." You began biting your lip "I just wasn't feeling it today" "You look adorable." He smiled "And I don't care what you wear, neither does my family" You smiled up at him before pressing your lips to his cheek for a small kiss. It was moments like this that he lived for with you. Just being able to wear sweats and be yourselves.


        His Crazy Mofos shirt.

Today was a huge day. Niall was performing the very last 'Where we are' show in Australia and you were so excited because you were going to be there to support him. You weren't able to be there when the American leg of the tour ended because of school. The two of you were backstage hanging out with the rest of the guys before the concert started. With about an hour left before the start of the show  Paul came over to you and said "It's time to get you to your seat" Your lips turned into a pout and you kissed Niall on the lips wishing him luck before you were off. On your way to your seat, you walked by all the boys and a smile curved on your lips. You ran over to Niall's clothes and laughed when you found his 'Crazy Mofos' shirt. You hid behind the door away from Paul and changed into his t-shirt. When you popped back out Paul couldn't help but laugh. "He's gonna kill you, you know that right?" "Oh, well" You giggled following Paul to your seat. Once at your seat you were waiting and began talking to a bunch of fans. When it was time for the boys to come out you made sure to be right up front where Niall could see you. He loved you so much and he was so proud to call you his.


        His leather jacketTonight was a special night for Zayn and the rest of the guys. Simon and their record label were throwing them a huge party celebrating the band being together for five years. So when Zayn asked you to go as his date of course you said yes. You were still in the beginning of your realationship and the world still hadn't known about you guys. You were a lot like him style wise so you were in a gorgeous black cocktail dress you made sure to accent it with Zayn's black leather jacket. It smelled like him and it drove you crazy. You did your hair just right, along with your makeup. Once you were done, you looked at yourself in the mirror and smiled. You looked hot and you knew it. You put on your red pumps and headed downstairs to meet Zayn. When he saw you his breath caught in the back of his throat. You looked stunning and he couldn't wait to tell the world you were his. He took your hand and said, "You look beautiful (Y/N)" "Thank you" He lead you out to the car that was waiting for you guys and you were off. When you guys arrived he got out of the car first and he held his hand out to you. You took his hand and he helped you out of the car. The cameras were going nuts you guys made your way into the party. Before you entered the door he pulled you close to him and pressed his lips to yours. In that moment the world know he was off limits and thats all he wanted.

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