You're a VS model and he gets jealous

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 A/N - In this preference there isn't a Zayn one because I wanted to see how you guys would react to it and depending will decide whether or not I continue to stop doing Zayn one's or if I continue to put the Zayn one in's anyways. So comment what you would prefer.


Yeah, you were buzzing. Not only were you in the annual Victoria's Secret show - one of the biggest achievements as a VS angel - but you were walking down the podium with Adam Levine, and you are one of the only black angels. During the performance, he kept winking at you jokingly, with this teasing glint in his eyes, and spinning you around until you laughed so hard it could be heard in his microphone. All in all, it was great fun, and it made it that much easier to quell the nerves in your tummy. As you waked off stage, it was with a huge smile on your face and tears of laughter in the corner of your eyes. Niall was waiting for you backstage, looking murderous as ever, and his lips pulled back in a silent sneer. He looked ridiculous. "You look like a Disney villain with a digesting problem," you told him as someone helped you out of your wings. You rolled your shoulders happily as the weight lifted. "You look like you're having a bit to much fun," Niall fired back angrily. "What are you talking about?" you asked confusedly, and Niall tilted his head in the direction of Adam. "Niall, you're a twat. A massive, massive twat. He's happily married." Niall deflated, and embarrassed flush rising from his neck up to his cheeks. "Oh, well, good for him?" You laughed amicably, leaning in to plant a lingering kiss on Niall's lips before you were whisked away once again.


When you were younger, you'd had a bit of a crush on Nick Jonas, back when he was in Jonas Brothers. When he'd started making music again, and solo nonetheless, you'd been thrilled. Liam hadn't. You thought he'd never stop frowning when your boss at Victoria's secret told you, you'd walk with Nick Jonas. Liam refused to talk about it, but you knew  he was worried. You thought he had no reason to be so paranoid - it wasn't like anything would happen - but during the performance, you could suddenly see it too. Nick kept touching you. At first, it was just light brushing of his fingers, but soon, he had an arm wrapped around your waist, despite the wings spanning behind you. Every time there was a break in the song where he wouldn't have to sing, he turned his head to nuzzle into your hair. When the song was finally done, you hurried off the stage, into Liam's waiting arms. "You might've been right" you grumbled into his chest, even as a frazzled woman attempted to draw the wings off your back. "I thought so," Liam said smugly, but his eyebrows were drawn together, in that concerned way only Liam could do it. "I love you," you whispered quietly before stepping back, and allowing the woman to drag you away from Liam.


"I'm going to kill him," Louis hissed darkly, fists clenched by his sides as you slipped a bathrobe over your shoulders. "Let it go, Lou," you muttered with an eye roll, pulling the robe tight around you. "He was flirting with you! It was obvious! Everyone knows  we're together!" Louis squeaked angrily, arms flailing about to show just  how mad he was. "He was being friendly. We were supposed to put on a performance," you reminded your boyfriend, but the excuse sounded flat even to your own ears. "Right," Louis said sounding entirely unconvinced. Just then, Jason DeRulo himself stepped off the stage. Louis pulled you closer with an arm around your shoulder, and the disappointed look on Jason's face was laughable. He quickly shook it off and walked up to you with a big, charming smile on his face. "Just wanted to say it was lovely performing with you." He stuck his hand in his back pocket and drew out a card. "My number. If you ever wanted to give me a call. It was loads of fun." And with that, he was off. Lois ripped the card out of your hand. He dragged you out a side-door until you were outside on a parking lot. He found a lighter in his pocket, lit the business card, and then threw it, letting the wind take it. "You're so dramatic," you laughed, accepting the kiss and whispered; "you love it"  Louis offered. "Yeah, I do."


Harry generally wasn't jealous, nor possessive. What with you being a VS model and everything, it was a wasted breath. Everyone had seen you almost naked anyways. Harry knew you loved him, and only him. But when you walked off the stage after walking with Cody Simpson, he was seething. "What's wrong?

 you asked him. He wasn't even looking at you, he was scowling at someone behind you. "He keeps staring at your arse," Harry growled. "Who?" Harry's long arms wrapped around your waist, and normally you loved this, loved feeling small in Harry's arms, but this was different. "Cody Simpson. He hasn't stopped staring at you since you walked onto that stage," Harry whispered into your ear. His warm breath travelling down your neck had a shiver running down your spine. You could feel Harry's smirk against your skin. Someone cleared their throat behind you, and you desperately tried to get the Harry induced fog to lift from your mind. You spun in Harry's arms, and came face to face with none other than Cody Simpson himself. "If you ever decide to dump the hippie over there, give me a call" he said with a wink. He was about to slip a piece of paper, presumably with his number on, behind the strap of your bra, but before he could, a hand shot out to grip his wrist. "I don't think so," Harry told him darkly. When he let go, his rings indents in Cody's skin. "Bye!" you said cheerily, waving at the blonde singer, who quickly scurried off after that.

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