Seungcheol's Idea

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Jihoon's PoV

It's been a few weeks since we decided forming a group and we are actually doing pretty well. I finished the song thanks to the others, and we started practicing, and once I heard them sing my song, I couldn't help but smile.

It's weird hearing my song from them because it was the first time I actually heard it from other people besides me. And it sounded really good, so yeah, I guess I was kinda proud of myself.

I also started meeting up with Soonyoung a lot. He told me that he needed some help with his parts of the song and sometime he showed me some parts of the choreo he was making for Shining Diamond and he also mentioned that Dino was helping him. 

We were doing pretty great actually, and I'm really proud of everyone when I saw how well they were doing. We even started having different leaders in the group. Seungcheol was the leader of the group and from the hiphop team while Soonyoung was named the leader of the performance team and I was named the leader of the vocal team. 

We started to meet each other more than before, and I think we even got closer! I could see Jeonghan and Joshua always leaving early from the reunions for ¨rehearsing¨ , but we obviously knew that they would do anything besides rehearsing. And of course, Vernon and Seungkwan teasing the hell out of each other, I'm still curious how much they will keep this ¨we're nothing¨  thing.

I was on my way to meet Soonyoung and Seungcheol, at Cheol's house. I actually have no idea what he wanted to talk about but he said he was urgent.

On my way there, I saw someone in front of me and smiled, sneaking slowly up on him, scaring him from behind, hoping I wouldn't get a slap on my face.

I started laughing loudly when I heard his girly scream. He looked at me confused at first, but starting to calm down when he realized who I was.

¨So, I kinda deserved it, didn't I?¨ Soonyoung chuckled softly, looking at me while crossing his arms.

¨Hell yeah you did, thank god you don't slap when you get scared.¨ I teased softly, starting to walk towards Seungcheol's house.

¨Oh yeah, I'm never scaring you again.¨ he replied back smiling, walking besides me.

¨So, what do you think Cheol wants to tell us?¨ he asked looking at the road ahead.

¨I don't know, but it seemed like it's something important, so I'm kinda curious.¨ 

¨Yeah, me too. I hope it's something good tho, we didn't even performed yet.¨ he answered chuckling softly.

I laughed softly, it would be really funny for us to break up the group without even performing. ¨Nah, i think he just has an idea and he's really excited.¨

¨Well, I hope so.¨ he replied back, stopping cause we already arrived to Seungheol's home. 

Soonyoung knocked at the door, being opened some time after by Seungcheol. He pulled both of us in without even saying a word, and dragged us to his room. 

¨As much as I think you guys look great, I don't think I wanna do a threesome right now-¨ Soonyoung joked while sitting on Cheol's bed, while I looked at him disgusted.

¨What!? There's no threesome! I'm just really excited to tell you guys this!¨ Seungcheol answered with his bright smile. ¨What if we do like a smaaall performance tomorrow on our lunch break? I think we're ready enough for this and we could try it with our classmates you know??¨ he asked really excited for my and Soonyoung's reaction.

I looked at Soonyoung and he looked back at me shrugging. ¨I don't really think it's a bad idea actually.¨

I looked at them both, I actually had no idea, it wasn't a bad idea but what if things goes on the wrong way?..I sighted and looked at them, ¨You guys are sure that we're ready?¨

¨Ji, do you think we're ready?¨ Soonyoung asked me back, and the only thing I could do is stare at him.

¨Yes,¨ I finally replied, ¨yes, we are.¨

Both Soonyoung and Seungcheol smiled brightly and hugged me. Ugghhh, too much fisical contact..but, I let them. Just this time.

¨So, it is official? Are we having our first performance?¨ Seungcheol asked smiling widely as me and Soonyoung nodded smiling.

After that, we told the others about the performance thing and they all cheered up excited already.

Of course, we started rehearsing more that day, getting ready for the next day. And deep inside, besides how nervous and scared I was, I was excited for that day.


Heellooooo!! I know this is a small chapter, I actually wanted to do the performance day on this chapter but I just don't have time, sorry!!

I hope you guys liked it!

Byyeee Caraaaats!!! ^3^

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