Four: Settling Down

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The second day of classes seemed to pass just as quickly as the first. It was a whirlwind of brand-newness and high expectations. Just like the day before, she and her roommates were up with the sun and preparing for the next set of classes. Addy and Mei-Lin met up with Jay in the main room, and they all decided to get breakfast that morning. The previous day they'd all been too nervous to even remember that breakfast was provided. Today, they were all hungry, and they had trekked down to get breakfast along with several of their classmates (the rest of the school seemed to have the same idea, and the dining hall was much more lively than it had been the previous day).

Then, it was off to the races. Addy's day began separate from all her friends with Potions. It was a course that she wanted to love but couldn't find the motivation in her. Professor Snape also had a way of sucking the fun out of potion-making, and the cold, dungeon-like atmosphere in his classroom did not help. The man paced up and down the aisles of the classroom, harshly critiquing students who were doing just fine and taking pleasure from it, too. She was successful in making her first potion, despite Snape's harsh instructions.

Care of Magical Creatures soon took the bitter taste of Potions out of Addy's mouth, though; her class had combined with one of the Gryffindor's, and she was elated to see Harry, Ron, and Hermione as part of her lesson. The four of them had a blast learning, though the class itself was rather bland. They each took turns sharing new discoveries about Hogwarts and swapping stories about student drama. All in all, a very productive and educational class (even if Addy now knew more about the first years' gossip than any animal they read about).

Transfiguration was next, and the only student Addy knew from beforehand was Draco. One of his friends was sitting beside him, and there was no indication of whether it was Crabbe or Goyle, so she opted to sit a few rows ahead in an empty desk. Though every part of her social soul was itching to turn and speak to Draco, Addy's focus was kept fully on their first lesson. Professor McGonagall did not take any nonsense in her classroom. She ran a tight ship, and unlike Professor Quirrell, she demanded respect and everyone gave it to her. The class went smoothly and with no interruptions, as would be the only acceptable way for the rather uptight teacher.

After Transfiguration her schedule was free, so Addy took the opportunity to head to the library. She had agreed to meet Hermione there to study together, as both of them wanted to get a jump-start on homework.

As she walked toward the library, though, a burst of noise distracted her. She walked further down the corridor to see a crowd of her classmates pressed from wall to wall, blocking her path. Confused, Addy approached and wiggled her way through the crowd. In the middle of it all was Harry and Draco. They looked to be competing for who could be the most obnoxiously loud while insulting one another.

"Training for the ballet, are you, Potter?" Draco asked, and a gaggle of Slytherin girls began tittering with laughter as Draco badly pantomimed a graceful ballet move, and then a person not-so-gracefully dropping all their things. "Any more graceful and you'd fit in with the likes of Neville's rat." Neville, who was in the crowd, shouted in anger.

"Well, at least I don't look like Scabbers," Harry retorted. "The nurses must have been shocked when you were delivered- a wizard baby permanently hexed with a rat's face!" This kind of bickering went on for another minute, and Addy could hardly believe her ears. They were both being resolutely pig-headed, and she felt a headache beginning to form from all the commotion. Her first thought was that if she listened to them, she might hear whether they were arguing about something valid, but that was not so.

"Your mum," Draco had just started again and looked angry enough to throw a punch, and Addy had had enough. She looked around- her classmates seemed jovial at the prospect of a real fight breaking out and seemed uninterested in stopping them. So, even knowing that she might get flak for it, Addy stepped into the 'ring'. At her approach, Harry and Draco both turned to her and paused mid-yell.

"Addy?" Both boys said, sounding incredulous. Neither had realized she was there previously.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were studying with Hermione," Harry continued.

"What is wrong with the two of you?" Addy asked, completely ignoring Harry. "Fighting in the corridor like a bunch of children. I was on my way to the library, Harry, but you two are conveniently putting on a show in the middle of my path to getting there." Harry looked sheepish, and Draco snorted.

"Yeah, Harry, why don't you get out of our way?" Draco sneered. "Don't want to-" Draco was probably going to fling some idiotic insult at Harry again, but Addy stopped him immediately,

"Our way?" She asked. "I'm not taking your side, you're just as much at fault here. You're both acting like children." Draco looked a little put out, but he quickly turned to me.

"I thought you would be on my side, Addy, aren't you going to support your friend?" Draco asked, and it was clear he was trying to manipulate Addy into being on his side. His use of the word 'friend' did cheer her up a bit, though,

"I am supporting my friends. Both of them." Addy looked between the boys. "You two don't have to be the best of friends, but for the love of all that is holy, be civil. If I have to hear about how annoying the other is from both of you, I might just lose it before the year's over." Addy said that jokingly, and despite how angry he was, Harry laughed. Neither boy said anything after that, because, really, what more was there to say? Satisfied and with a wave over her shoulder and a smile, Addy parted the thinning crowd and went to the library, where she found Hermione ankle-deep in a pile of books between two sections labelled 'Charm Incantations' and 'Transfiguration History'.

"Hermione?" At the mention of her name, the curly-haired witch looked up with a grin.

"Addy!" Hermione waved her over. "Come join me, I've found the most interesting charms in this one..." Without hesitation, Addy joined Hermione among the books and picked one up.

The two girls absorbed themselves in the texts, soaking in everything the books could tell them. They would share interesting things that each new book held, exclaiming at each one and trying them out, if they were safe. In between rather boring stretches of the lengthier books, Hermione and Addy would talk about school and their peers. Hermione shared the antics that Harry and Ron had already managed to drag her into, and Addy joined in with her own stories of what she and her friends had learned about the school. By the time either girl realized how much time had passed, the sunshine was waning through the large window behind them and most students had gone back to their common rooms.

"Well, I'd say that was successful," Addy said, standing up and dusting off her skirt. She placed the last few books back on the shelves as Hermione did the same. "You heading to your room?"

"Yes," Hermione confirmed, "I've got a few more questions on a homework assignment to answer." Addy nodded.

"Well, have at you, I've got to do the same thing. Say hello to Harry and Ron for me, will you?"

"Of course, and give my regards to Jay and Mei-Lin! We should get together sometime, all six of us." Addy's eyes shone at Hermione's proposition.

"That sounds lovely!" The girls exchanged a few more farewell words before heading to their respective dorms. Addy stepped through the portrait hole and skipped all the way to her room. Nothing made her happier than making new friends... Except, perhaps, a good book.

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