Thirteen: Rhetorical Questions

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Addy knew she shouldn't have done anything, but she just had to give into curiosity. And look where that landed her- in detention. At least she was with Harry and Draco.

Yesterday evening was when it all began. She had sat outside and read to Jay for what only felt like a few minutes, but time had flown so fast that everyone was halfway into dinner by the time Addy and Jay arrived in the dining hall. Addy and Jay had joined the Ravenclaws unnoticed, knowing better than to draw attention to themselves. It was a pretty uneventful dinner until Addy felt the ring on her finger begin to warm up. At first Addy didn't think anything of it, but as the heat became more insistent, she felt like the ring was pulling her to go investigate. Addy excused herself from the dining room and followed the ring.

It felt like the ring was leading her somewhere, and it was- it led her outside the school walls. That should have been her first cue that something was wrong. Addy had slightly bent the rules to sit outside and read with Jay, since no one was supposed to be unattended after the troll incident. However, that was a situation where they were right up against the school walls and could have run inside at any time. Now, Addy felt the ring pulling her toward the forest, where she had seen that hooded figure earlier this afternoon. In her head, Addy tried to fight back, but the ring's pull was ever so insistent, and it overrode her caution. Unfortunately, she only made it but a few steps before a voice called out to her.

"Adaline!" Addy had turned to see Professor Flitwick coming her way. He was on patrol that night, and demanded to know what she was doing heading toward the Forest at night. As if the ring's insistence hadn't existed, Addy completely forgot what she'd been doing out there. She tried to explain that there was something out here she needed to see, but couldn't remember what. There was nothing she could do to make that explanation seem plausible, however, and Flitwick begrudgingly gave her detention for being away from the school grounds.

"I want to believe you," Flitwick had said, "But I can't take your word for it. It seems to be a trend- two of your classmates were caught out here earlier. I believe you'll be joining them for detention here, tomorrow, at 7:30." The next evening, Filch was extraordinarily gleeful as he led Addy, Draco, and Harry down to Hagrid's cabin. He chanted all the way down about how glad he was that they were being punished, and Addy wanted nothing more than to be back in her dorms with Mei-Lin. Filch also informed them that they would be going into the Forest, to help Hagrid with a 'special project'.

"Good luck," Filch had said, smiling and baring a filthy grin. "I'm sure you'll need it, won't you?" And without another word, he walked off.

Now, Addy was standing in front of the Forbidden Forest with Hagrid, Draco, Harry, and Hagrid's dog Fang.

"Alright! Let's be off then," Hagrid said, far too cheerful for anyone else's liking. Addy was trying to make the best of it. Of course she didn't want to go, but she thought better of it and decided that it might be beneficial. After all, with her magical skill and surrounded by the likes of Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, and the strong and burly Hagrid, who could hurt her?

The five of them went into the woods, and Addy had to admit that it wasn't as bad as it could have been. Sure, it was immensely disconcerting to be out in the dark and ridiculously creepy in such a silent forest, but it could have been worse.

I could have been alone, Addy reminded herself, and she looked over at Draco, who was walking next to her. He hadn't said anything the entire trip, but Addy was internally thanking him for getting into trouble with Harry on the same day she had. She still had no idea what the two of them had done, but for once, she was grateful that whatever they pulled was stupid enough to land them here.

"Ah, that's the ticket." Up ahead, Hagrid stopped walking and pointed to the ground. Harry, who had been walking with Hagrid, paused and looked around Hagrid's arm.

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