Seven: The Bridge

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Quirinus Quirrell stood before his class as he did each morning. He tried his best to appear calm and collected, but his entire being quaked constantly- as it did each morning. Nothing was different, nothing was new, except for the fact that he had just solved the Dark Lord's biggest problem.

For too long, himself and the Dark Lord had been at their wit's end trying to figure out how they could get "remote access" to Harry Potter, as his death was long overdue. Through a friend seemed like the most sensible option since few would suspect such a thing, but as Lord Voldemort had rightly pointed out during their last conversation, Harry had picked two extreme personalities for close friends; Hermione Granger was far too intelligent and the Weasley boy never thought before he opened his mouth. Using either of them wouldn't work; if they cursed Ron with the imperious or possessed him some other way, Hermione would be sure to notice. And it would take all of two seconds for someone to notice a change in Hermione's personality- she was a consistent young lady. However, by some miracle, another odd girl had managed to befriend Potter, and she sat in the second row of his classroom with her other friends, face shining and surely ready to learn. Quirrell bit back a shaky grin at her eagerness as he began the lesson.

Quickly, he set them to the task of studying and carrying out the lumos spell. Something ridiculously simple, but it would keep the students busy so he could study the child- Adaline. From the information he'd gathered from both listening to the students gossip and having her in class, it was all too clear that this girl seemed to know nearly everyone. Everyone liked her and she only showed contempt for those who had truly earned it (as Quirrell sat watching them, Pansy Parkington was making faces at Adaline's back). She was amicable with the entire student population and as smart a witch as Hermione Granger, but her real feat of accomplishment was acquiring friendship with the two biggest rivals among the first-years: Draco and Harry. Everyone, even the teachers, knew that the two boys despised each other. No one had been spared hearing their searing insults spoken in passing or seeing an argument burst forth in an otherwise calm hallway. Apart from each other both boys were rather calm personalities, but together they were nearly a nightmare. They kept their friends and lives as separate as possible-

And yet, Adaline was the bridge between the two. She'd been the only one to ever stop an argument between them, and she had actively sought out a peaceful solution before the teachers even considered trying to get involved again. Both boys actually liked Adaline, and though it was clear that neither was very keen on her being friends with the other, she remained both of their friends all the same. She was the only friend that Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter shared. She was a feat, and a miracle for his plans.

A few rows behind Adaline sat Draco. Despite being a rather malicious boy, he had managed to become another victim of Adaline's cheerful spirit. Just yesterday, he had heard the two discussing their friendship in the hallways. It was far too clear that Draco had succumbed to her gentle personality; of all the students whose spirits he shattered daily, she was always spared. Draco would be the key to Adaline, and Adaline the key to Harry.


"You heard the boy, my Lord," Quirrell pressed on, eagerly sharing his plan. He sat in his office alone, turban still on but very much addressing the man inhabiting his body.

"M-M-Malfoy has fallen right into p-place. Directly pla-placing the imperius c-curse on Adaline w-would prove difficult, my-my-my Lord; there is never a situation where I w-would feasibly have a rea-reason to be alone with her. F-f-furthermore, I do not know enough ab-bout her personality to k-keep up the ch-ch-charade of being her if-if I possess her be-be-before the time is right." Quirrell paused, realizing he'd given no time for his master to get a word in edgewise. His body quaked a little harder than usual, and he fell silent immediately. He was not in the mood to die should Voldemort be angered.

"Hm," Was all the Dark Lord said. "Continue."

"W-well," Quirrell continued, speaking more slowly, "I suggest we s-simply set up the c-curse to come into action when n-n-needed. The girl would nev-nev-never trust me g-giving her an object for no reason, but if the object ca-came from a friend- say, Draco Malfoy- she m-might be more k-k-keen to accept. F-From there, it would s-simply be a matter of charming the object, a-and then her, whenever c-convenient for us."

"Yes, Adaline has put herself in a rather perfect position to be used," The Dark Lord began, finally giving his input to get Quirrell to cease the stuttering. "Matching her personality would prove to be difficult; just as Potter surrounded himself with extreme personalities, Adaline has done the same in moderation. It would be optimal to possess her only when necessary- but until then, we can use her to worm our way into a perfect spot to end the life of Potter."

"If-if I may ask, my Lord," Quirrell mumbled quietly, "Why are we go-go-going for Adaline rather than D-Draco? He is easier to emulate, as be-be-being mean is not difficult." Even though Quirrell had come up with the plan to use Adaline, he still wondered whether it was the best course of action.

"Pay attention, Quirrell, for I will not repeat myself." The man flinched in his chair, a physical response to the mere sound of Voldemort's voice.

"Yes, my Lord," He whispered, not daring to speak again.

"Draco Malfoy is not consistently close enough to Potter to be used. For him to suddenly start spending a lot of time with the boy would be odd, and we would need Draco's body to be close to Potter under the imperius curse in order for the wretch to finally meet his death. All of this happening with no one noticing a change in Malfoy's behavior is unlikely." Voldemort paused, and Quirrell stayed silent.

"What is more likely, however, would be Adaline and Potter spending time together. They are friends. Adaline is also Draco's friend, and she trusts him too. If we use Draco as a means of depositing the curse onto the girl and use her body as a vessel to kill Potter, it would be hard to trace the deed back to the work of poor Professor Quirrell if they had to get through Draco's involvement and the question of the girl's innocence. " Quirrell didn't fully understand, nor did he think all this was necessary, but he barely dared to think those thoughts, let alone vocalize them. He just did what he was told, even if he didn't agree.

"So it shall be, my Lord," Quirrell agreed, speaking only after a long silence.

"However," Voldemort began again, and Quirrell quickly shut up. "I am getting rather impatient. I also know that you do not believe this plan is necessary, so a direct attempt on Potter's life will be made. You will perform it tomorrow as a means of showing your loyalty to me, and if I find that you should step even the most minute toe out of line, your life will end. Do not get caught- Albus Dumbledore watches Potter closely." Quirrell couldn't even get a response out of his throat, he was so choked with fear. If it was a direct attempt on the boy's life that would keep him alive, then that's what would be happening whenever the Dark Lord wanted it. He was shaking so hard he could barely think.

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