Eight: The Calm Within a Storm

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"There's a troll running loose in the hallways!"

Professor Quirrell ran into the dining hall, delivered that message, and swiftly collapsed on the floor. Screams and shouts rang through the hall. Dumbledore's voice was not nearly loud enough to be heard over the din of the entire school panicking. Chairs were screeching as dozens of people stood and were looking to run out the doors. After thinking for a moment, the headmaster set off a dozen purple firecrackers, effectively silencing the dining hall. The prefects were called into action immediately, and were instructed to lead their students back to the dormitories. All of the students ran to find their prefects, and they were all quickly escorted out. The teachers and Dumbledore went down to the dungeons to see about the troll (aside from Professor Trelawney, who was tasked with taking Quirrell up to Madame Pomfrey's.)

Jay and Mei-Lin climbed through the portrait hole of the Ravenclaw dorms, and they were hoarded further into the room as more of their peers followed them. As more Ravenclaws came through the portrait, they scanned the crowd for any sign of their best friend. The prefects came through last, hushing the students so they could get a word in edgewise.

"Alright, this should be everyone. Does everyone see their friends-" Petunia hadn't even finished asking before Mei-Lin raised her hand and Jay jumped up.

"Addy's not here!"

* * *

In the library (as per usual), Addy was pouring over a manual called Charms to Use When You're Feeling Ill. She wasn't feeling ill in the slightest, but the jaunty photo on the front cover of a woman surrounded by dazzling get-well spells had caught her eye. The volumes upon volumes of text were surprisingly interesting, honestly, and she'd been reading for over half an hour. Several books lay to the left of her, stacked in a pile and ready to be read.

After nearly 30 more minutes of uninterrupted reading, Addy suddenly sat up. She remembered that Hermione and Mei-Lin were meant to meet her here so they could study together. She didn't know Hermione as well, but Addy knew that Mei-Lin was never late.

"I wonder where she could have gone?" Addy murmured to herself, sitting up. She straightened her skirt and robes, putting a few of the books back before walking up to the front of the library.

"Excuse me," Addy said politely, approaching the librarian's desk, "Would you happen to have seen Mei-Lin come through here?" The two girls were in here often enough that Madame Pince knew them by name. The dark-haired witch turned around, regarding Addy with a cool gaze.

"Neither of your friends have been here," Madame Pince responded sharply. She was gearing up to reprimand Addy for speaking so 'loudly' in a library setting, but paused when she saw the book clasped in Addy's hands.

"Ah, what respect for the art of charms! You've chosen an excellent book." Addy smiled, holding up the book she had happened to pick up. Charms for Everyday Life was scrawled across the cover in fancy black lettering, and the book was hand-bound in leather.

"Oh, thank you," Addy said, "I was just about to begin reading it. But... you haven't seen Mei-Lin?"

"Unfortunately not, Miss Adaline," Madame Pince confirmed, "And please keep your voice down."

"Yes, Madame. Thank you," Addy responded, her voice just above a whisper. She returned to her shelves, staring at the books she left on the ground.

"Where would Mei-Lin be?" Addy wondered aloud, picking up the rest of the books. Deciding to go look for her, Addy placed her books back on their shelves, making a note of their titles to read them later. She packed up her belongings, placing them quietly in her bag and leaving the library.

Once out in the hallway, Addy had to squint against the evening sunset. The rays were shining down through the windows, bathing the empty corridor in a honey-colored glow. Addy looked around, suddenly realizing that the hallway was completely deserted. Usually there were other kids staked outside the library to study, since they could talk out here and go inside to get books when necessary.

"Now, where has everyone gone?" She wondered. Her voice slightly echoed, and it truly made Addy feel alone. This hallway had never been so empty before. She turned and walked toward the Ravenclaw dorms, listening to the sound of her footsteps ricochet off the walls. It was an eerie thing to hear, so she hurried along and tried not to listen. Addy turned the corner and jumped as she almost ran directly into someone.

"Addy?" The sound of Draco's voice pierced the silence. "What on earth are you doing out here?" Addy noticed that he looked worried as he stood up.

"I'm going back to my dorms. Where is everyone?" She asked. Draco opened his mouth to respond, but thought better of it.

"Never mind, just come on," He said, and grabbed Addy's hand.

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