Eighteen: Hogsmeade

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Nervousness spiked on two opposite ends of Hogwarts. In the Slytherin and Ravenclaw common rooms, Draco and Addy were both worrying. In less than an hour, all of the first-years would be in Hogsmeade, a well-known wizard town and a typical date spot for Hogwarts students whenever they had the opportunity. Draco was no different- he planned to ask Addy to accompany him around town that afternoon. That was the problem though: he hadn't asked yet.

"Narys, what should I say?" Draco asked, confiding in him for the third time in a span of 45 minutes. Narys was one of the two people in Hogwarts Draco truly felt comfortable confiding in. He was two years older, and Draco would never admit it, but he served as kind of a stand-in brother that Draco never had. Not to mention, Narys had half the Slytherin girls crawling all over him. He was coveted after for his good looks and charming personality, so Draco trusted his word on girls.

"Draco, relax," Narys said nonchalantly, looking over at him from across the table. "You'll be fine, that girl is very nearly in love with you." Draco snorted.

"What makes you say that? She hasn't even given me a solid hint if she likes me or not. I'm just hoping." Narys smiled mysteriously, leaning back in his chair.

"Maybe she doesn't even know it; from what you've told me and from what I know, she's pretty smart but a little dense when it comes to relationship stuff. Internally, she probably has no idea she likes you yet." Draco stared at his friend like he was 13 meters off the deep end.

"You're mad, Narys," Draco confirmed, leaning his head back to rest against the chair. His fingers tapped aimlessly against the arm of the chair. "I'm just going to wing it."

On the other side of Hogwarts, a very different conversation was occurring in the Ravenclaw common room.

"Stop." Addy had her ears covered. Her face was flushed and she was curled up in her favorite chair, trying to ignore her friends and everyone else in the common room.

"Stop? Stop recording history?" Jay asked, dramatically raising his voice (much to Addy's chagrin). "You're about to make history as the first Ravenclaw to successfully date a Slytherin!" Addy blushed a little harder, cringing as the people around all quieted down and listened into their conversation more closely. Even though they all had homework to be doing later, every single Ravenclaw in the room was invested in Addy and Draco's potential relationship. Jay was right- a Slytherin and Ravenclaw dating was unheard of. For two of them to be so amicable in the first place was a feat itself, honestly.

"Please don't," Addy pleaded, finally sitting up and uncovering her ears. "You don't even know if he's going to ask me anything." Mei-Lin chuckled from where she was sitting in a chair across from her (Jay was standing behind his usual chair, too excited to sit).

"Of course he's going to ask," She said confidently. "It seems as though the only ones who aren't rooting for you and Draco are you and Draco." At that, Addy stood up, joining Jay on her feet.

"Of course I'm rooting for us!" She exclaimed. Mei-Lin and Jay cracked huge smiles, and the entire room flooded with collective, knowing laughter. Very embarrassed, Addy sat back down.

"I am rooting for us," She repeated more quietly, still blushing. Addy didn't know why she was getting so worked up. There was no official date, and Draco hadn't mentioned anything about one when they spoke just yesterday. The logical part of her brain convinced Addy that she was just letting Mei-Lin get in her head again. Her best friend had an almost Hufflepuff way of making others tap into their emotions rather quickly.

"But?" Jay pressed. "Why is everyone in this room more excited than you?" Addy smiled wryly.

"I'm trying not to get my hopes up," She stated. "As much as I love Draco, we all know how he can get. I can't assume he'll ask me out just because I might... want him to." The entire room began to murmur, and Mei-Lin's mouth dropped open.

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