Chapter 2

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Autumn's POV

I can't believe that a famous superstar is asking me for my phone number and my twitter. I was freaking out inside. I hope that Niall can't read my face, if he finds out that I was freaking out I would die.

"So may I have your twitter and number?" Niall said very out of breath like he was nervous or something.

"Yeah, sure why not." I wrote my number and twitter on a piece of napkin that I found on the counter. "Maybe when I get home I'll check out your band." 

Niall was blushing, his face was a bright as a clown's nose. It was really cute.

"You guys are really bad at flirting you know?" Harry shouted out, so most of the people who were still working in the shop heard. I was blushing really hard. So was Niall. It was actually kinda cute. His face was so red, I wonder if he always had red cheeks?

"Hey maybe we can hang out sometime?" Niall asked me just when he was about to leaving.

"Um, I'm not sure it depends on what day it is."

"Oh I will text you sometime then." He said, then he smiled that deadly smile of his.

"Yeah see you sometime." I said blushing. What was wrong with me I never get like this over boys. Was I falling for him? No I couldn't. I was not ready to date anyone because of my stupid ex-boyfriend who cheated on me with one of those preppy girls from school. I was really hurt. I never had a boyfriend before him so that was all new for me. So I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to come on to strong, clingy or overly attached. But I don't really count my ex-boyfriend as a boyfriend.

"Bye love." They both said to me. I could've died right there. But I had to play it cool. "Bye."  I said to them both.  

It was around 9:10 when I got home. I went to the bathroom to put my hair up in a ponytail and then washed my face. I felt the cold crisp air touch my face. It felt so nice after I dried my face. I walked out of the bathroom and around the hallway to my room. My room was average size not to big not to small. I had a bed, dresser, and a computer desk with a chair to match it. I went to the Internet to look up a one direction song so I could get to know them a little bit. I went to youtube so I could check  one of their songs.

I typed in One Direction. What popped up was 'One Direction What Makes You Beautiful' so I clicked on it. I watched the video and after it was done my Iphone vibrated. I usually don't have the sound on it. I didn't recognized to number so I opened to text and it said.

Hey Autumn it's Niall. What's up?

I forgot that I gave him my number so I saved his number in my phone so I don't forget it later. Then I replied,Hey Niall, and I just got done watching What Makes You Beautiful it was really good. I didn't know you guys were that good, how about you? Within about a minute he replied.

Really, that was very sweet of you to say that love. Just watching a movie with the boys. I was wondering if you wanted to meet up tomorrow around 1or 2?

Thanks, oh what movie. Well we just kinda meet today so I don't know.

Love Actually because that is Harry's favorite movie. Come on it will be so much FUN!!! I couldn't help but smile because he was trying to make me come hang out with him. Did he like me or something?

Lol I love that movie, fine just because you said it was fun!

Bye love i'll pick you up around 1.  I gave him my adress so he could pick me up tomorrow.


With that I put my phone down and shut my laptop down and got up from my bed and put it on my desk. Then I went to bed wondering if i was falling for him? Did he feel the same way I did?

Niall"s POV

I was still thinking about that girl that I meet at the mall. 'Autumn' I couldn't get her off my mind. I didn't tell harry that I liked her because I was afraid what he would say about it.

"So Niall did you fancy that girl we meet at that pretzel shop?" Harry asked me while we were watching the movie.

"OH Niall meet a lady today." All of the boys yelled.

"Harry upstairs now!" I told Harry.

"Fine", Harry said,"Missing my favorite part of the movie." He mumbled under his breathe. I heard it but I decided to ignore it. When we got upstairs I said,"That Autumn girl that we meet at that pretzel shop, I kinda like her but I know we only meet but..." He cut me off.

"Niall i'm so happy for you, i'm glad that you finally found someone you like!"

"Well we are actually meeting up tomorrow and I don't know what to do when we go out, any ideas?"

"You have come to the right place my friend, I might have somethings up my sleeve!" 

"You are a live saver Harry thank you so much."


Author's Note:

I hope that you liked this chapter. By the way i'm not British or Irish so my gramer might be off by a lot. So comment and vote!:)

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