Chapter 10

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Autumn's POV

"So, Autumn will you be my girlfriend?" I hear Niall's voice run through my head, over and over again. I pinch myself to see if this was a dream. Nope it wasn't.

My head is going to explode. So many thoughts filled my head. I really like Niall, but I am afraid to get hurt again. You know what the heck. I going to take a chance with him. Maybe he will turn out different than the others.

"Yes, I will be your girlfriend.!" I said looking him straight in the eyes. His gorgeous blue eyes! 

He scoped me up and spin-ed me around in his arms. I have to say his arms are very muscular.

Niall's POV

Finally she said yes! I was so excited I picked her and spin-ed her around in my arms. I was so happy, the smile wouldn't come off my face. That's how happy I was.

"So, my lady what do you want to do now?" I asked

"Well it is getting pretty late, so we should get going."

"Yeah, sounds good!"

Harry's POV

After the movie Maddy and I went out to eat at a restaurant.

We got into my car and started to head out.

"So, Harry? What is it like to be famous?"

Wow I've never been asked that question before. I'm not really sure how to answer that.

I thought for awhile and finally got the answer I was looking for.

"Well, being famous has it's ups and downs" I said pulling the passenger side door open for her. She got in and I shut the door. I walked over to the driver's side and hopped in. "The ups are going to amazing parties, meeting up with other celebrity's, and having fans that supports us through anything. But the downs are pap's. Missing home is the biggest. I would love to see my family more often, though." I said as we drove to the restaurant. "I also miss being alone sometimes because it feels like my life is always being broad casted everywhere. I also would like to have a relationship with some who actually likes me for me and not someone who likes me for my money." I looked over to wear Maddy was sitting. She had her eyes locked on me, I could tell she was about to cry, because her eyes had a thin layer of glossiness to them.

"Aw, Harry! That is so sweet!" She said letting a tear fall down her flawless face. I whipped the tear off of her face.

After that the car ride was silent. Not an awkward silence but a soothing one.

Maddy's POV

Wow Harry is such a sweetheart. All I want to do is hug him until my knuckles turn white.

Him talking about missing his family was so cute. I really like guys who are sensitive. I find that very attractive. Yeah, you probably think I'm mental or something, but I don't care!

We finally got into the reseraunt's parking lot. I unbuckled my seat belt. As I was about to open my door, it opened up. I was left to stare at an amazing pair of emerald eyes.

"Ready?" My favorite British accent says.

"Yes!" I said taking his hand that he held out for me. "Thank you" I say to him for his actions. We walked up the stairs and entered the restaurant.

"Hello!" One of the workers say was we entered. 

"Hi, can I get a table for two, please?" Harry asks. I look around and see and feel very under dressed to be in this place. There were men and women who were wearing about two thousand dollars worth of clothes and jewelry, and I was in a sweater and jeans.

"Right this way, sir." The lady took us to our table and handed us our menus. 

"Thank you." I said to her when she handed me my menu.

A few minuted passed as Harry and I decided on drinks and what to get for food. The waiter came to  our table.

"Hi, my name is Leeroy, and I will be your waiter for this evening!" He said giving a little smirk. "What should I get you for drinks?"

Harry and I told him our drink orders. Leeroy left to get us our drinks.

"So, Maddy tell me about your life."

"Well, I'm a junior in high school. I hate school, but I love math. I'm in advanced classed. So you could call me a nerd!" I say looking at my menu on the table.

"Hey, I find intelligence very attractive!"  He says with his adorable half smile with his dimple showing. "Well keep telling me about your self."

"I'm in a band, I play bass. I love to watch movies on cold days, wrapped up in blankets and popcorn. My best friend is Autumn, who is on a date with Niall. That is pretty much it, I guess, not very exciting"

"I think your life sounds really cool." 

We talked non-stop until Leeroy our waiter came back with our drinks.

"So, what can I get yall' to eat?" 

We tell him our food requests.

*One Hour Later*

Mine and Harry's dinner was done. He drove me home. I stepped out of his car and went to my door step. Harry followed. 

"I had a really good time today!"

"Yeah me too, Harry!"

"I was wondering, can I have your phone number, so we can stay in touch?"

"Yes, definitely!" We exchanged phone numbers. 

I stepped closer to him and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you" I whispered in his ear. I turned around to go into my house. I froze because I felt a hand around my wrist, Harry spin-ed me around to face him. He moved closer to me and crashed our lips together. I was surprised at first but I kissed back. He pulled my hips closer to his to deepen the kiss. Our lips moving in sync.

After what seemed like forever, Harry pulled away, disconnecting our lips. "See you soon."

"Goodbye Harry!"


Author's Note:

Hey! I hope you guys like this chapter! I feel like I've been writing a lot better than I have. So vote, comment, and tell your friends to read this story, if you like it!

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