Chapter 4

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Autumn's POV

It kinda felt nice to have someone care for me, when it seems like no one else is there to help me. I just realized that we should stop at our houses to get some dry clothes. "Hey Niall I think that we should get some dry clothes." I said pointing at my dripping wet clothes before we went into the car.

"Yeah that sounds like a really good idea." He said staring at me with those eyes. Right in the Feels. Then we walked to his car. He opened the door of the car for me. "Thanks." I said. I really didn't want to ruin his car, because it looked like it cost around half a million dollars.

We were driving to my house first. We finally got to my house 10 minutes later. My neighborhood was not very large, so not a lot of houses were by mine, and we didn't live by a busy street. It was really a blessing, so I can get some of my beauty sleep. No I'm just kidding. But not about the sleeping part.  "A-a Niall do you want to come in or stay in the car?" I finally said snapping out of my thoughts.

"Well I would love to meet your parents!" Niall said in his deep Irish accent.

"Um, just to let you know that my dad is not here with us at the moment." I said very shyly.

"Oh okay maybe I will meet him later?" That came out more of a question than a statement. He got out of the car and we made our way to the door.

"Oh I just remembered that I have a brother and maybe you could borrow some of his clothes. You guys look like you would be the same size."

"Yeah that sounds great, because I don't want to drive all the way to my flat and waste time to hang out with you at the theme park." He said smiling his cheeky smile and putting his arm around me, and as always me blushing. I took the door handle and turned it clockwise to reveal my house that smelled like home baked cookies.

"Mom I'm home and I have someone that I would like you to meet." I yelled.

"Autumn who is it?" My mom said as she was coming from the kitchen.

"My friend Niall, the boy that I went out with today."

"Oh my goodness, what a surprise." She said as she was coming down the hall way to greet us.

 “My pleasure to meet you Miss.” Niall said to my mother.

"May I asked you what you do for a living?” My mother asking questions that will embarrass me, as she usually does when I bring friends over that are boys.

 “Yes I think that will be alright. I am actually in a band called ‘One Direction’.”

"Wow that is amazing, what do you do, sing or play an interment?" She said very cheery. She is acting really weird. She was never this happy before in her life. Well since I remembered.

"Actually I do both."

"Well mom I think that will be enough, we are going out again." I said trying to get her to leave us alone.

"Um okay well I'll better leave you guys alone." With that we went upstairs. I lead him into my room. Then I went to my closet, when Niall said," Your mom is very sweet." I was shocked.

"Um okay, well you clearly haven't lived with her." I said and we both laughed. "So I have my clothes, now time to get yours." I said with my red pair of skinny jeans, my black and blue jumper, and my white toms in my hands. "Come with me." I said and Niall got up from my bed and followed me to my brothers room. "Pick anything that you think will fit you."

"Okay." He said very confused. Well my brother had a lot of clothes to choose from, I wonder if hes never seen so much clothes in his life.

Niall's POV

I have never seen so much clothes in one place before. It was so impressive. It took me about five minutes just to decide on what to wear. I took out a plaid shirt that was black and white, some dark skinny jeans, hopefully they are not to tight. I turned around hoping to see Autumn but she is nowhere to be seen. So I went into her room and find her sitting on her bed with her head phones in her ears listening to her phone. She didn't notice me. I knocked on her door frame to see if she can hear me.

"WHAT THE HELL!" She screams without looking who it was but then she looks at me and says,"Oh I'm sorry I thought you were mom. Oh um sorry by the way I thought that you would take longer to find something to wear, because my brother has a lot of things." She said pointing to her head phones and her phone.

"Yea so did I." She started giggling. She was so cute when she giggled. It felt really nice inside my body when I made her laugh, and when she looks at me with her dark grayish green eyes. She was perfect! "Um, where is the bathroom so I can go get dressed so we can get going?" I said.

"Oh, it's down the hall to the right." She said very sweetly.

"Thanks!" I said walking out of the room. I went into the bathroom. I got changed. I started to walk to her room. "Hey are you ready to go?" I said walking into her room. I never noticed before but her room was amazing. Simple but effective.

"Yeah, lets go!" She said. We walked down the stairs, and we went to the door. I opened it for her. "Your such a gentlemen, it's very cute." Great shes got me blushing. I knew she saw me because she was giggling her butt off. 

"Did you know that you are very cute when you giggle?" I said to her, and she started to blush like crazy. Score!

"Well now I do." She said looking at the ground. I lifted my hand up to her chin and pulled it up and said "You are beautiful don't let anyone tell you different." I said and gave her the would famous 'Horan Hug'.

"Aw your so sweet." She said as we got into the car.

"Off the the theme park!" I shouted.

Autumn's POV

The car ride was around 25 minutes of pure talking. Niall and I talked about everything that came up.  It felt so nice to actually talk to someone who you care about and not feel awkward. We got out of the car and made our way to the cash lady thing, or whatever. I took out my wallet that I almost forgot at my house. 

"What are you doing?" Niall said to me as I pulled out my wallet.

"What do you mean? I'm paying for my ticket."

"When you are with me you are not going to pay for a single thing. Ever."

"Well that is very sweet Niall but I can't have you do that." Before I said that he payed for the tickets and we were already in the park. "Niall you are so unbelievable. It is amazing." With that he was blushing like someone had slapped his across the face, but who would want to slap Niall's cute face? It was really cute the way he blushes.


Author's Note: 

I hope that you liked this chapter, so comment and vote :)

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