× Chapter Thirty Three: Naboo In Crisis ×

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Battle droids on Naboo

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Battle droids on Naboo. As the Separatist rebellion rages through the galaxy, even peaceful planets are threatened. Following the discovery of Separatist droids wandering the grassy wasteland, Naboo is once again on high alert. Fearing their home is facing another invasion, Senator Amidala and Representative Binks, accompanied by Padawan Maleshei Trek, race to Naboo to assess the situation. Meanwhile, near the Gungan swamplands, an even graver threat is about to be discovered.


"We came as soon as we could, my lady. Have you found any more droids?" Padmé asked as soon as herself, Jar Jar Binks, and Mal exited from off the small Naboo ship. "Only the three. But you can be sure they aren't tourists. I need you to convince the Senate or the Jedi Council or whoever is in charge of this terrible war that we are threatened."

"They'll need more proof." Padmé replied in disappoint. "Senator Amidala is right. Finding a couple of battle droids won't be enough to convince them. Trust me, I know." Mal agreed, crossing her arms and staring gloomily down at her feet.

: Captain Typho, the battle droid is ready for analysis. : Mal heard as she looked back at Captain Typho, then back at Padmé. "We better go and find out what it's got."

"Lead the way, Captain." Padmé replied, the Queen, Captain Typho, and Padmé walking alongside each other while Mal and Jar Jar Binks walked behind them.

"Yousa okeeday?" He asked, causing Mal to look up at him. "I'm concerned, Jar Jar. Concerned of what we might find."


"Hey, where are you going?" Mal asked once she saw Padmé rush out of the lab she was just in. "To find the lab."

"What lab?" Mal asked with a rose eyebrow. "The battle droid that Captain Typho captured talked about a virus and that they were holding it in some secret lab. Jar Jar helped us find the location so I'm heading there." Padmé explained as Mal stood upright from off the wall.

"Alright, let's go."

"No, I need you to stay here and help download the droid's memory. If it can help with learning more about this virus, I need you to get it to Anakin and Obi-Wan." Padmé said as Mal sighed, nodding in agreement. "Got it. Be careful, Padmé."

"You too, Mal."


"Mal? Where's Senator Amidala?" Mal heard before she turned to see Anakin, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and Plo Koon exit off their ship. "She hasn't came back since she sent Captain Typho the geo-scan coordinates a few hours ago."

"And they just let her go?" Anakin exclaimed, Mal furrowing her eyebrows. "You know how she is, Master. I offered to go with her but she told me to remain behind so I could get the information to you." She explained.

"You did good, Maleshei. Now, let's get moving and find the Senator and Representative." Obi-Wan replied, Mal nodding before himself and Anakin walked ahead and Mal walked beside Plo Koon and Ahsoka.

"Do you think Senator Amidala's okay?" Ahsoka asked Plo while staring at the ground. Plo looked down at her before he looked at Mal, who wore a conflicted face. She knows the Separatists, they won't kill Padmé or Jar Jar, but that doesn't mean they'll come back unharmed. But she couldn't have Ahsoka worrying.

So, instead, she spoke up, saying, "Don't worry, 'Soka. Senator Amidala is a tough woman. Trust me, I know. She'll be fine. And if not, we'll be there to rescue her." Ahsoka smiled at this, but Mal could still see the worried look in her eye. She rubbed it off, sighing quietly as she saw Ahsoka walk ahead of them.

"I wish I could tell Ahsoka that it's going to be fine. But I would be lying to her." Mal said to Plo, not looking up at him. "How do you do it, Master? Knowing that some bad things will happen, but you tend to still give hope to others?"

"It's not just about me giving hope, Maleshei. It's about having faith in yourself and in others. You have faith in Senator Amidala and that she can make it out. But you're doubting if you will be able to save her. You'll never succeed without trying, Maleshei. That is what I want to teach you." Plo Koon explained. Mal looked up at him, comprehending everything he told her and had let it sank in as they approached the lab.

She saw Ahsoka standing out the lab and told Plo that she would wait outside. Plo nodded, walking inside to meet with Anakin and Obi-Wan while Ahsoka and Mal stood outside.

"Mal? Do you really think we can save Senator Amidala?" Ahsoka asked, once again having the same doubt that Mal just had and immediately reverting back to her master's words.

"We won't succeed without trying, Ahsoka. If we can't save her today, then we'll wait the next. However many times we fail, we will succeed in the end." Mal explained, looking at her friend, who's eyes lit up with surprise and hope. Mal, for some reason, was reminded of what Obi-Wan had told her on the cruiser after they were rescued.

About how she would make a great teacher one day. Seeing Ahsoka with hope in her eyes had her thinking a lot. A lot about how she's inspiring Ahsoka and motivating her to try. She wondered if she would see that same shimmering look in Ahsoka's eyes in her Padawan's one day.

(OKAY! I AM NOT DEAD! I HAVE BEEN ON A LONG, LONG VACATION...BUT, I'M BACK! With this chapter...yeah! 😁)

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