× Chapter Forty-Four: A Better Life ×

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"Rex!" Rex felt someone shake him and he woke up instantly, looking to the side to see Mal knelt down beside the table

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"Rex!" Rex felt someone shake him and he woke up instantly, looking to the side to see Mal knelt down beside the table. "Mal? What-?"

"Shh!" She whispered, place her finger to his lips. He blinked in confusion, but heard the barn door open. He immediately went quiet, listening to the heavy footsteps of the mysterious person.

"The gun. Grab the gun." He mouthed, gesturing his eyes towards the blaster next to him. She nodded, quickly resting her hand on the blaster at his side and waited for the person to make the move. As she watched the feet get closer and closer to them, she leapt up, raising the blaster, but the person had knocked it out of her hands and in the process, had cut her palm.

She yelped in pain, holding it while the person held their weapon to both her and Rex, glaring at them. "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"Y-you're a clone?" Mal asked in surprise, holding her bleeding hand and hissing softly in pain. "So..I see the war has finally made it's way out here and I guess I can expect a visit from some droids soon."

"What's your number and rank?" Rex asked, glaring at the clone in front of him. "Heh. My name is Lawquane, Cut Lawquane and I'm just a simple farmer." The clone chuckled out, resting his rake off to the side.

"You're a deserter."

"Deserter?" Mal asked, looking between the two, though both ignored her question.

"Well, I like to think I'm merely exercising my freedom to choose: to choose not to kill for a living." The clone, Cut, explained, Mal raising an eyebrow.

"That is not your decision to make. You swore an oath to the Republic. You have a duty."

"I have a duty, you're right. But it's to my family. Does that count or do you still plan to turn me in?" Cut asked, Rex maintaining his death glare. "Do I have a choice?"

"Nobody's doing anything." Mal intervened. "Mal!"

"Rex, not right now." She whispered, glaring him slightly, hearing rushing footsteps once more, knowing it was the kids.

"Daddy!" "You're home!" The kids screamed, hugging their Dad.

"Look what I drew you, Dad!"

"Well, well, well. That's great, Jekk." Cut complimented, scratching the boy's head.

"I see you three have met."

"He looks just like you, Daddy. I told him." The young girl, Shaeeah, said while smiling at Rex. Rex gave an awkward smile before looking to Cut.

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