First Show in New Jersey

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"Thank you, thank you so fucking much." Gerard Way shouted to a crowd of cheering fans. He took a bow before walking off stage with his bandmates, and shot a polite smile at the next band. They made their way backstage to get some water and rest before watching them.

"You know, I don't think I'll ever get used to this." Ray sighed holding a rag to his forehead. Mikey chuckled a little bit, Jarrod didn't know how to respond, Frank put a sweaty hand on his shoulder, and Gerard just frowned at the floor.

"What's wrong, Gerard?" Even though Jarrod hadn't known Gerard as long as the rest of the guys, he knew he needed to be the one to speak.

"I, I don't wanna talk about it." Gerard whispered getting up from the couch.

"Wait! Gerard, I-"

"It's not you, Jarrod. It's just.."

"Come on Gerard. Speak up."

Gerard looked in shock of his brother's words. Mikey really had a way of startling you when you needed it the most.

"It's just... what if the fans don't like the new us?" Gerard finally spoke.

"What do you mean the new us?" Ray asked. "We may look different now, but that doesn't mean that we're different people. We can still make music and we're still the same humans, after all."

By now, Gerard had his hand on the doorknob. But hearing Ray's words made him stop. He turned around and began to speak.

"You know what, Ray? You're right. And I'm done with people's shit. Thanks, Ray. Thanks to all of you."

They all shared a sweaty man hug, and then realized how stupid they probably looked. They exited the room, all happy and cheery and shit.

After the show, they decided to stay in a local hotel. Exhausted from the day's work, they quickly fell asleep, Frank on the edge of Mikey's bed with an empty water bottle in hand.

Little did they know what would happen next.

Authors note: This book is just for fun and I'm not taking myself seriously when writing this. Ok so how do you like it so far? Let me know in the comments, and I'll (digitally) see you next time:)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2020 ⏰

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