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I always wonder if I can ever escape from this horrible place.
Its nights are horrible, so his the guard guarding me.
He looks at me with an intimidating glare.
I love it when he goes on break and the only thing that was watching me was a surveillance camera.
It felt nice to be alone.
It felt calm and peaceful.
Unfortunately it only lasted a mere ten minutes.
The guard would come back and start mocking me.
Like I was a child of a terrible father.
Days were unbearable, but nights were worse.
I would have to sleep on the cold concrete floor.
There was a small window with bars.
It let in sunlight and moonshine.
Two opposite things, but they both do one thing.
They produce light.
It shines on those lucky ones.
It favors rich over poor.
Successful over unsuccessful.
And the guard over me.
It always shined down on the guard.
Every time I try to be under its light, the guard forces me away.
These thoughts roam about in my head.
I get lost in them.
Daytime is bad.
The guard continues to mock me.
He laughs at my body.
I am very thin.
He laughs at my voice.
It's very hoarse.
He laughs at my smile.
Because there is none.
Sometimes all I could do is wait.
Waiting for this nightmare to end.
But it never does.
Daytime is bad, but nighttime is horrible.
I could hardly sleep.
I stay awake for a long time.
Even after my guard forces me to sleep.
I stay awake hoping this nightmare would end.
It never does though.
Nighttime is bad, but my life is horror.

Stuck With Horror (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now