My Cellmate

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The first few days of prison were boring.
Nothing was out of the ordinary.
Besides the guard watching our every move and my cellmate blocking my way every few seconds.
After a week of boringness, I decided to introduce myself.
I told her that my name was Levi (yes that's my real name), why I was here, and my escape.
She nodded her head like she understood me.
She told me her name was Luna.
She told me she was imprisoned because her friends dared her to rob a house.
After that, I felt that Luna and I were somewhat similar.
I felt better.
Of course, the guard started to mock me.
But unlike my past time in prison, Luna stood up for me.
She started to call him names and told him how horrible he was.
I finally met that person who would stand up for me.
The guard entered our cell and tried to tackle Luna.
But she dodged it swiftly as he fell to the hard floor.
He tried to attack me, but Luna hit him in the neck.
That hit made the guard immobilized.
Three guards showed up in the cell and pinned her to the wall.
She was whipped around ten times.
She withstood all ten whips.
But she was scarred on the back.
The guards took our guard and left.
She could stand up, but limped every few minutes.
I tried helping her, but she rejected my act.
I knew Luna would be an amazing friend.
And she was.
Everyday we would tell each other stories.
We would get separate food, but we always wanted to share.
After a day, our guard was back.
He had fury in his eyes.
But he didn't attack Luna or me.
The next couple of weeks were fine.
Until something happened that would let me and Luna have a chance to escape.
This would get me out of PBSP.

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