The Lab

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I saw Ace strapped to a chair.
He looked calm, but deep down I knew that his life would be on the line.
As the guards shoved me to the next door, I saw many animals in large tubes beside me.
There was a cat that had a tail on its head.
A dog with teeth the size of a child.
A penguin with feet so large that it's tube was bigger than the others.
And many more.
The door opened revealing something extremely sinister.
I saw some people in tubes of water.
They had frightened expressions.
It continued until the leader revealed his face.
He was faceless like Slenderman.
He had a tall bony body with big crimson tentacles.
He had a gigantic mouth on his skinny body.
He was doing some sort of an evil laugh.
He spoke.
He told me that he was an evil scientist.
He continued by saying that he was the leader of the war.
He was planning to conquer the U.S, but needed something.
He experimented on animals, machines, and even people.
He made a gadget that could turn someone into a fusion of a person's most common fear.
He zapped it to himself and turned into a monster.
He said he was part Slenderman, Siren Head, and large mouth.
I was confused on the last one, but I could see why.
Then he made a gadget that would take over someone's life.
He brought something out.
It was another gadget.
He told me that it was called the Loop'a Life Gadget.
He said that it was brand new and was supposed to make someone's worst part of their life loop over and over again.
He continued by saying that it will start if he presses the button and kills the victim.
He looked at me.
Then he said if I had any questions.
I was in shock and horror.
He said that Luna was his daughter and that he made her make up a whole story just so he could test his gadget on someone.
I couldn't ask for anymore questions.
I told him that I had none left.
My life was over.
He told me that his name was Brock.
He pressed the button and told me if I had any last words.
I said, "My life is horr-."
But he threw a knife at me.
It finished me.
I didn't have enough time to say horror.

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