My Usual Day

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My day is almost as bad as the night.
When I wake up to my unbearable nap, the guard gives me breakfast.
Since he hates me, he gives me half of what I'm supposed to get.
The food other prisoners get are a bowl of porridge, cold pancakes, and an orange.
I get half a bowl of porridge, a half cut orange with almost no juice left, and no pancakes.
They truly hate me.
After my "breakfast" the bell rings.
The cell doors open and the prisoners are let outside.
But not me.
You can probably guess why.
Instead, I'm forced to do 100 push-ups, 50 sit-ups, and 150 squats.
Then you ask, why can't I just break the cell door open and knockout the guard?
Well, there are three problems.
1. The cell is made of an iron that is almost impenetrable.
2. The guard is super buff and strong.
3. I don't actually do them.
I just tell the guard I did them.
He doesn't face my direction.
So he doesn't see me.
After, the prisoners get a better lunch filled with soup, a banana, and a water bottle.
Lunch should be my favorite time of the day.
But it isn't.
Sure, I get a chicken sandwich, three apples, and orange juice.
But as always, every good thing comes with a cost.
My guard gets to eat my food first.
So all I have left is an almost finished bottle of orange juice and three apple cores.
It's worse than breakfast.
Then, we're supposed to take an afternoon nap.
I think we shouldn't.
Why would you take a nap in the middle of the day?
We don't even do much.
After that nonsense, it was time for dinner.
If breakfast is bad, and lunch is worse, then dinner is better, right?
Dinner is worse than both breakfast and dinner.
I don't even get dinner.
I hate prison.
After, I had to sleep early.
Apparently, I am the most hated prisoner in this prison.
This is weird because most of the prisoners here are murderers.
I eventually fall asleep in the middle of the night.
I always think of five words.
What a life of horror.

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