My "Crime"

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I always imagined the day that changed my life.
The day that put me with the guard.
I will always remember it vividly.
It was July 4 and my friends and I were having a community competition.
We and our community would attend this competition of races and watermelon eating contests.
My friends and I attended the 20th race our community has ever done.
Personally, I feel pretty old when I think about it.
The first annual race started when I was one.
I am now 21.
This is suppose to be my happy age.
The age you could drink and have parties with loads of fun and drunk people.
But 21 is my hated number.
When we entered the race, we saw this 23 year old man.
His name was Hugh Carson.
He was known for many things.
But he was more known as a bad person than a good one.
Yes, he would give to charity and work at the local food bank, but he does more bad then good.
He brags a lot, tells people to love him, and injures people who don't like him.
He reminds me of my guard which disgusts me.
He entered the race and beat the 2nd place runner-up by ten minutes.
Like you imagine, he bragged about it called everyone who participated a loser.
This affected my friends the most.
I was not affected because I was called a lot of that in elementary school.
My friends hated him from then on.
Weeks passed and my friends planned on murdering Hugh.
I was frightened.
I tried not to do it, but they threatened me so I was forced to do it.
Then why did I stop being friends with them?
I don't know.
They decided to invite him to a party where they served wine.
But my friends planned on putting cyanide into the wine glass that Hugh would drink out of.
My friends put up signs all over our community about the party.
Sure enough, Hugh came.
Everything went according to plan.
He drank his wine and asked to be excused to go to the bathroom.
He later died in there.
My friends hid the body in the basement of my house.
They said I had to play a part in it.
Now I regret becoming friends with them.
Then something unexpected happened.
The day after, my friends called the cops.
They found the body in my basement and assumed I killed him.
Now I'm here.
My friends are probably laughing in their houses.
While I'm here suffering.
But mark my words.
I will get my revenge whether it's escaping this prison or not.

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