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Leonardo had a headache. He had just finished teaching a class with rambunctious mutant kids who had less listening skills than his brothers when Leo first became leader.  It was the first class he taught since the brothers decided to house and protect homeless mutants, so the pressure was intensifying. Since Hamato Yoshi's death fifteen years ago, Leonardo had to step up as the leader of the Hamato Clan, and set an example for his brothers. It changed his life and stole the last few pieces of child-like innocence he had left. Over the years, handling the responsibilities got easier, but it didn't reduce the pain of losing his father.

Hoping to get some fresh air, Leonardo walked around the sewers to look for a nearby sewer. Patrolling was mostly a late evening exercise since New York crime diminished to petty thefts and vandalism. It was seen as a gift from God by the turtles as a reward for the countless times they saved the word. Their mutant haven idea skyrocketed because of these great changes, increasing the number of safe mutants from a minuscule amount to nearly a hundred. 

As the the blue-masked turtle scoured for a man hole, he could hear soft whimpering and a light, shy voice. He brandished his katanas since he could hear the noises echoed louder.  Leo's heart was pumping as it grew difficult to breathe. Although his former enemies haven't attacked in a decade, the fear would snatch him up as soon as he was in the battlefield. 

The sound of heavy breathing came closer. It sounded like it came from a young female, one not familiar to the leader of the Hamato clan. Equipping his tanto instead, Leo yelled out and ambushed the mysterious person. What he saw surprised him.

Standing very close to the top of his weapon was a short, young girl. She was standing on her trembling legs and was coughing from the scare Leo gave her.

The girl looked horrid. Her black hair was knotted and sticky with sewage. Deadly injuries caked her skin, leaving it more purple than a normal skin tone. The white clothes she wore were worse than any homeless person could wear. When facing her, Leo couldn't see any emotion in her eyes, as if he was staring into a blank canvas.

"Please," She reached out to him. "Help me." Her legs gave out and she would've fell on the ground if Leonardo hadn't caught her.

"Hey, it's okay." He carried her bridal style. "I got you."

The girl nearly fell unconscious from exhaustion. She laid her head on his shoulder and nestled into him, trying to gain some warmth.

Leo raced to the lair. He couldn't tell exactly how long the girl has been in this condition, but can tell that she has been in the sewers for a few days. It was a mystery on why she wasn't found any sooner since so many mutants traveled around the sewers, but it didn't matter right now.

"Guys, help!"

Leo ran through the whole lair, looking for his brothers. He kept bumping into and apologizing to nearby visiting mutants.

"Leo," Donatello's head peeked out of his lab. "What's going on? I'm trying to teach a class."

"Not important right now," Leo stormed into the lab. "This is an emergency." 

Seeing the badly beaten girl in his brother's arm, Donatello felt his eyes widened. "Woah, what happened to her?" 

"No idea Don, but she's not looking too good." The blue-banded turtle rested the girl on an empty table. "She needs some medical attention."

"Got it." Donnie grabbed a large, metallic container and opened it to reveal medical supplies. Through the years, the intelligent brother of the turtles decided to learn some medical techniques since mutants couldn't admit themselves into regular hospitals. It wasn't as professional as a paramedics team, but it was effective. 

He took out a stethoscope and checked the girl's vitals. "Her breathing is slow. Leo hand me the resuscitator and vitals monitor." 

Leo looked behind him and grabbed the required equipment.   

"Use the resuscitator to put air into her lungs." Donnie ordered.

Leo pressed the silicone mask against the patient's face and used the manual pump. He could hear a slight wheeze of the air being squeezed. As he was doing his task, Leo could see his brother attaching wires to the girl's chest and fingertips. 

"Daddy." The two turtles heard. 

Behind Donatello was a short girl with a long mound of ginger hair. "What's happening?" 

Donnie turned around and nearly slapped himself when he saw about a dozen mutants sitting in a circle, curiously looking at the commotion. He was so consumed with what was happening that his current science class slipped away. 

"Everything is okay Mika. How about we all take a break?" Donnie patted his daughter's head. "Can you tell everyone to leave the room?" 

The reddish brown-eyed girl nodded and lead the shocked mutants out of the lab. 

"Phew," Sweat formed on Donnie's forehead. "How is she doing, Leo?"

"I don't know Don, I just keep pumping air."

A blaring noise startled the two brothers. 

"Shoot, her pulse is flat-lining." 

"What?" Leo shouted. 

"Hold on, I gotta restart her heart." Donatello took out two defibrillators and rubbed them together. "One, two, three." 

The girl's body wildly rose as electricity coursed through it. Nothing changed since the loud noise from the machine didn't end. 

"One, two, three." Donnie repeated. Her body jolted again. 

The waves on the heart monitor flattened, making the noise grow louder. 

"I'm sorry Leo," Donatello frowned. "There's nothing else I can do." 

"No!" Leonardo slammed his fist onto the table, shaking the table. Sorrow filled his heart. Once again, he failed to protect someone from the grips of death. It hurt more knowing that she was a child who suffered enough pain that scarred her skin. 

Opening his eyes, determination defeated the sorrow he felt. Leo was not willing to let another person die without giving everything he has. Not even the possibility of death could stop him.

"Rin. Pyo. Toh. Sha. Kai. Jin. Restu. Zai. Zen!" He could feel his own body be filled with pure energy. His mind felt clear under the stressful situation. 

Laying his hands on the girl's stomach, he could feel the energy traveling from his fingertips to the girl. Warmth overcame the child, and the subtle beating of her heart can be felt by the Hamato clan's leader. 

"Leo, you did it!" Donnie stated astonishingly. 

Leo's eyes opened just in time for the girl to gasp for breath. She repeatedly coughed and winced while she tried to sit up. 

"Hey, you can relax now." Leo soothingly said. "You're safe."

The girl faced and felt around for his hand, squeezing it when she did. "Thank you."

"Of course. What's your name?"

Her blank eyes stared back at him. "I don't know."

Concerned, Leonardo waved his hand in front of her face. "Can you see me?"

"No, but it is getting better." She muttered in a daze. Keeping herself awake was becoming a chore. 

"It's okay, we'll figure this out. You need your rest."

The girl nodded and her soft snoring can barely be heard.

"Donnie," Leo said, giving him a serious look. "We have a huge issue on our hands." 

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