Friendly Competition

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"Come on Natsuki, you've gotta play with me now." Mika pleaded.

"Why?" The black haired girl asked. She was putting some cream on her bruised, aching limbs.

"Because it'll be fun, we haven't done anything together in so long. I miss hanging out with you." Mika have Natsuki her signature puppy dog eyes.

Natsuki sighed. Although her friend's upbeat nature would get into her nerves, Mika would help her forget the bad time she went through. Plus, she was happy her ginger-haired friend came back from her two-week long trip.

"Fine, but not the Game of Life. It's way too long to be fun."

"Okay, give me a second." Mika rushed out of the room and came back with a pile of games. "So what about Monopoly?"

"Also too long."




"Remember." Natsuki pointed to arm. "Fractured elbow."

Mika groaned. "Fine. How about Uno?"

"I'm cool with that, but you're going to win anyway."

"Nuh-uh, you're a really good player."

"But, I'm going against the smartest people I know."

"Ahh..." Mika said, shuffling the cards. "You're going to make me blush."

"Whatever." Natsuki grabbed her cards. "Lets just play."

"You're on."

Five minutes into the game, Mika and Natsuki were each looking through their four cards. Behind them was a boy with dark ginger hair and green skin.

"Hey guys, whatcha doing?"

"We're playing some Uno, Pax."

"Oooo," The young boy sat down across from them. "Can I be the host?"

"What?" Mika asked.

"You know, those guys who tell the audience what is going in sports."

"Oh that," Natsuki placed a green two. "Sure Paxton, knock yourself out, just don't be too loud."

"Got it," Paxton cleared his throat. "And we are back folks, to the greatest Uno game you've ever seen!"

Mika chuckled. "Good intro Pax."


Paxton was a fun-loving, kind person. Like Mika, he was born by unknown circumstances, and a human and turtle hybrid. His father, Michelangelo, couldn't explain it either since it was the work of Renet and her futuristic tech. The hybrid boy hasn't seen in mother for years and missed her a lot, but he could always find a way to smile.

"Alright there, the marvelous Mika just slapped down a plus two, leaving her with one card. What will Natsuki the beautiful do?"

"Beautiful?" Natsuki questioned.

"Yeah. Do you not like like it?" Pax asked with a frown.

"No, it's super sweet. Thank you."

"No prob! Now what will you do against your opponent."

"I have a..." Natsuki slowly slammed her card down for suspense. "Plus four!"

"Shoot," Mika feigned sadness. "Good thing I have my plus four."


"OMG, Mika just hit Natsuki with another plus four, giving her no choice but to pick up eight cards."

"You will pay for this Mika!"

"Bring it Natsuki!"

"Now things are getting spicy with all this back talk. Hope it doesn't get too hot in here." Paxton fanned his face.

After another twenty minutes of tough competition, the two players have evened out their cards to three each.

"Yet again folks, our two lovely ladies have evened up. Who will win?"

Mika and Natsuki stared at their cards than at each other. This was the closest Natsuki has ever been to beating her friend. She was determined to win and had the means to do so.

"Can you beat my lose a turn, Natsuki? I don't think you can."

"Don't get too overconfident my dear friend." The black-haired girl slapped down her own lose a turn card. "Because it can bite you back in the butt."

"How? Lose a turn cards are so rare."

"You know what else I've got?" Natsuki showed her final cards. "Double threes baby, I win!"

"No!" Mika feigned fainting.

"What a game folks! Mika the Unbeatable has finally been beaten by Natsuki the Beautiful!" Paxton grabbed the winner's hand and lifted in up the air. "The winner is Natsuki!"

"Aww yeah," Natsuki began party dancing. "I won! I finally beat Mika! Yes!"

"Good game girl," Mika shook her friend's hand. "It was a honor to play with you."

"It was a honor to play with you too."

"Awww..." Paxton hugged the girls. "I love good sportsmanship."

"That's was a fun game. We should play another one." Mika suggested.

"Totally agree. And Pax should host again." Natsuki said.

"I'd love to lady, but I need a glass of water first. Hosting makes the throat real dry." Paxton got up and dashed to the kitchen. "I'll be back in a flash."

The girls laughed and set the cards up for the next game. 

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