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Natsuki rested against the large tree in the dojo.

It was nearing the end of Leonardo's lesson, and it was noticeable how tired his students were. Mutant children were drenched in sweat and their movements were slow and sloppy compared to their sensei's swift and graceful ones.

Although Natsuki felt bad for the newbies, she was a bit jealous that they were doing something remotely interesting. Two months have past since Leonardo healed her, and it was a slow recovery. Every day, she had to rub ointment on the infected cuts on her legs, and her elbow and knee were still healing. With these disadvantages, all Natsuki could do was sit around and watch television. Good thing her sensei invited her to observe his classes. At first, she was left irritated and itching to try this fighting technique, but, through time, understood the spirituality of this art through meditation. It calmed her rattled emotions and made her feel like she was flowing along with peaceful wind.

The black-haired girl remembered the times Mika complained about how hard meditation. She kept mentioning voices whispering within her head, trying to break her focus. This story made Natsuki nervous about this exercise, she didn't need additional fears consuming her. Yet, she's never felt this calm until now.

"Okay everyone, that is it for today." Leonardo said, helping his exhausted students get up. "You all did amazing and deserve some rest. See you next week!"

"Bye, Sensei!" The young students shouted as they rushed out of the dojo.

Natsuki slowly got up and handed Leonardo a towel.

"Thank you Natuski," Leo panted. "Fridays are the worst. Those kids are handfuls."

"It's no issue, Sensei."

The leader of the Hamato sat down and settled himself in a meditation pose. "You can leave and play with Mika. I'll be meditating if you need me."

Natsuki nodded but stayed where she stood. She wanted to ask him something. Ignoring the fear of being a burden, the young girl joined Leo's meditation time.

"Is there something wrong, Natsuki?" He asked, his body not even flinching.

"No Sensei, I wish to request something." She shut her eyes, hoping to reach some sense of calm. "May I begin training with you?"

"You want to be a kunoichi?"

"I'm not sure, but I see how tranquil ninjitsu makes you and I want to experience the same feeling."

"Okay," Sensei Leo got up and pulled Natsuki up. "Show me what you got."


"I need to see your potential," Leo was in a fighting stance. "But, since you are injured, you're free to only dodge my attacks."

Natsuki nodded and copied his stance.



Leo rushed forward and nearly landed a punch to her face if she hadn't dodged. Natsuki stepped to the side and tried landing a kick to his hip. He grabbed her ankle and lightly pushed her away, leaving her unbalanced. There was no doubt Leo was taking it easy on her, which kind of pissed her off. She wanted to prove to him how strong she could be. That saving her was worth it.

Letting the adrenaline guide her, Natsuki rushed towards her elder opponent. She could see his fists tighten and predicted an incoming punch. While ducking under the punch, the young girl had the sudden instinct to his arm in her grasp. Her pulsed raced as she flipped him over.

"Haaaaaa!" The vibration of Leonardo's rough fall could be felt under her feet.

"Uggh," Leo groaned. He felt the wind being knocked out of him and felt his muscles rattle from the impact.

Seeing her savior in pain, Natsuki gasped. "Sensei," She helped him up. "I'm so sorry."

"Sorry?" Leo questioned. "You did a great job."

"But I hurt you."

"It's fine. I've gotten hurt way worse." The eldest turtle stretched his muscles. "Plus, now I know not to take it easy on you next time."

"Next time?"

"Yeah, starting first thing next week."

"Yes!" Natsuki cheered. "Thank you."

"It was all you." Leo patted her head. "Now, get yourself checked. Your joints must be starting to hurt."

Natsuki rubbed her aching elbow, already missing the adrenaline she felt earlier. "Understood. Goodbye Sensei."

"Bye," Leo's eyes widened. "Oh, also, don't mention what happened to anyone. I need to keep this invincible sensei reputation up."

"I will." Natsuki chuckled and ran off to tell Mika the good news.

Leo smiled and resumed meditating, excited to begin a new journey with his latest student. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2020 ⏰

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