Your Name

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Hey everyone! Thank you for continuing to read this story! I'm having a lot of fun and would like to keep going. I take requests, so comment down below any ideas you guys have.

Also, in regards to April and Donnie's kid, she wasn't born naturally. I can't tell you any more since it is important to the plot. 

Thank you again for reading!


"Who knew picking a name would be this hard?" Leo muttered to himself. Scouring the internet, he was looking through some websites dedicated to finding baby names. 

It had been a few days since the girl was found. Turns out, the nerves in her eyes and ears were temporarily stunned and damaged the part of her brain that retains memories. Other then that she had been healing rather quickly and was able to walk on her own. She was nice enough, but, other than Leo, she would avoid communicating with others like it was the plague. The only times she would leave Donnie's lab was when following the blue-banded turtle around. The experience was pretty uncomfortable since the child would stoically stare at him. Leo didn't mind, he actually felt a little honored that the child felt safe around him. He wouldn't admit it to his brothers, but he always liked being around children. Their innocent and imaginative minds were a breath of fresh air from all the tragedy and responsibility plaguing his mind. Sometimes he even fantasized teaching his own child everything he learned in his youth like his father did with him and his brothers. 

Staring at the ceiling, Leonardo sighed and thought about how much pressure the girl gave him.

A few hours ago, April visited the lair to pick up for some mother/daughter shopping time with Mika. Leo asked her if she could take the newly-arrived member along and clean her up a bit. No matter how much they try, the turtle could not brush out all of the knots in her hair, and the sewers' clean water system was not at its full strength, so the girl wasn't entirely smelling like fresh flowers. 

It was tough to convince the kid to join the mother and daughter, with her clutching Leo's arm as if he was security blanket. That action didn't surprise him but what she asked did. 


"Hey," Leo said, looking at the child holding on to his arm. "You're going to be okay. My friend isn't going to hurt you."

The girl glanced over to April and Mika then hid behind him. 

Leo kneeled to her level and held her hand. "I promise with my life that you will be safe in their hands. You have my word, little one."

The girl nodded. "Can I ask you something?" 

"Of course." 

"When I come back, will you give me a name?" 

Leo's eyes widened. It hadn't came to his mind how much the girl was suffering. A name is a part of your soul, the first sense of ownership you have. Without one, you fell like you are blowing in the wind, hoping to gain a purpose. No one deserves to feel like that.

"I would be honored to." 

The girl gave him a small smile and slowly walked over to the two girls.

"Yay!" Mika cheered, the gap between her teeth showing. "We're going to have so much fun!" The ginger-haired child grabbed her new "friend" and dashed out of the sewers. 

"Mika, what did I tell you about running off!" April shouted. "We'll be back in a few hours." She said, sprinting to catch up with the two girls. 

"Have fun!" Leo waved. 


Leo stood up and paced around the lab. He wanted to name the kid something meaningful and unique like his father did with the turtles, but the pressure was getting to him. Now he can understand why April and Donatello were stressed when naming their kid, though they had a week, while Leo had a few hours to think of one. 

Sitting back on the computer, Leo tapped on the computer keys and scoured his mind for ideas. He could pick an American name, but that would be unoriginal. An idea finally popped into his head as he searched for a list of names that originated from Japan. Their culture revolved around the Japanese teachings and history, so why not keep it going. He scrolled through the alphabetical list and imagined calling the girl each of them. A name personifies who you are and will be. It should roll off the tongue smoothly and without contempt. 

After scrolling for a long while, Leo got up from his chair with pride. "I got it!" 

"Leo!" He heard. "We're back!"

The excited turtle rushed out of the lair and almost bumped into April at the living room. 

"Whoa Leo. You okay there?" She asked concerned. 

Leo took a deep breath and composed himself. "I'm good. Nothing to worry." From behind her, the black-haired girl walked over to Leo. Her hair was neatly cut short, and her skin glowed. She also wore a dark blue shirt with the words "Ninja" in all caps, and a short black skirt. 

"Hey," Leo called for her. "I figured out a name for you." 

The surprised eight-year-old dashed over to the turtle with eyes full of excitement. 

"How do you like the name Natsuki?" 

"I love it! Thank you so much!" The girl's eyes grew teary-eyed as she hugged Leonardo's leg. 

Leo smiled and patted Natsuki's soft head. 

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