Chapter 6

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This was all too much. I don't even want to think of what my parents think of me. I didn't mean for this relationship with Brent to even happen but I couldn't escape him and it got harder and harder to hide the bruises. The more I tried to escape, the more he hurt me and it started to feel like fighting an uphill battle. I gave into his demands and did what he wanted. I hated myself for it. He didn't want me in the science club anymore because he didn't want to run the risk of me competing against him (because he knows he'd lose) so I did. But in doing so I lost my friends. They were all in the science club and I withdrew myself away from them or drove them away. He said they were a bad influence on me, giving me thoughts I shouldn't have. And before I knew it, they were gone. His friends replacing them.

Mason spoke up, startling me. "So who is this Brent guy? How exactly did you meet him?" I sighed, walking along the street with him. Mikey on his shoulders, enjoying the scenery. He wasn't paying attention to us. "There was this science competition; if you're advanced enough you're allowed to compete against colleges. It was kind of a big deal." Mason nodded. "Yeah, I remember that." He chuckled before continuing. "Dad even made one of those obnoxious glittery signs that had some lame science joke on it." I gave him a look. "It wasn't lame, it was clever but anyway. There was an after party at a frat house and everyone was going, I couldn't be the only one not going. Well I was going to tell this one guy in the club, Jake, that I've really liked him for a long time but Kristen went to him, telling him how she felt even though she knew how I felt for months-" "Can we fast forward the girl talk?"

I gave him a look "It's important. Anyway I was going to tell him how I've felt but Kristen got to him, throwing herself on him and bottom line is that it was embarrassing and horrible and she stole him and I ran out crying and I guess Brent saw and he tried to cheer me up but I kind of just wanted to be alone. He gave me a drink but there was something in it." Mason frowned. "A Roofie." I nodded. "Yeah. You can kind of guess what happened from there and here we are." "What college does he go to? He has to be close by if you can keep seeing him."

"Yeah. Connecticut College. Majoring in Physics and minoring...everything else that's science related there. But he also has friends in our area that can come pick me up when he tells them to."

Carvel Ice cream and Bakery. It's been open since 1934 and there's many all around the U.S. The only one I know is the one my grandma would always take us to when we were little and things were simpler and not so horrible but then as high school started we visited a little less with each passing year. Mason too busy with football, I had science club not to mention mom and dad had to work.

Luckily grandma is able to come down to our place for Christmas or any other family event we have if we can't make it. Even more so now since grandpa passed away two years ago from complications of pneumonia. He was the total opposite of her. Soft spoken, always feeding animals in the backyard and to this day they still wonder in for food. Grandma can't bring herself not to feed them, continuing his will. Keeping his affectionate spirit alive.

Maybe that's why dad is such a softie. Before I knew it we were at the ice cream shop. It was a small thing, run with only a few people. Right now it was the owner and her granddaughter, Jane. Jane was small, short, had gorgeous brown hair that went down to her waist. It was always loosely held back, some hair always covering her face. She was so shy but we got along. She was a big book nerd and so much smarter than me. She just hides it.

The owner of this spot was Jennie Smith but because of her apple perfumes she wears all the time we always called her Granny Smith. She was in her 80's with a large, curly gray fro with too much make up and everything about her was round but she was so sweet but she could be strict to her employees. She was a no-nonsense type. Mason gently placed Mikey on the ground, holding his hand.

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