Chapter 40

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Margret was a week away from her due date and we're all waiting impatiently for the new addition. Mikey keeps asking if today is the day, Morgan keeps asking question after question about how being pregnant is and Mason is tending to her more than I am.

I could tell the way the kids fluttered around her eventually gets to her. That's when her afternoon nap comes in while we prepare dinner. The hormones that made her so horny were now overshadowed by the feeling of being heavy and sore and exhausted. I knew she wanted this to be over with just as badly. She wanted to have her son in her arms and wanted to lose the baby weight and feel better. During her maternity leave she tries to find time to work out and lose the weight.

I walked up the stairs and gently knocked on our bedroom door. There was a muffled "Yes?" I walked in, seeing her laying on the bed on her side, looking miserable. "Can't sleep?" She sucked in a breath, on the verge of tears. "Every way I move its so heavy, everything is hurting." I sat on the bed next to her, rubbing her back gently. "Any sign of contractions?" "No. Nothing but a backache and I've had that for months." I kissed her cheek, starting to gently massage her back. "It won't be too much longer." She smiled weakly. "I hope not. This is the longest I've had to wait. I got spoiled. The others were always really early." I nodded before speaking my thoughts. "Picked a name yet?" She sighed. "Not yet. I should soon." I continued to rub the knots that formed in her back, speaking. "I was thinking of Max." She made an agreeing hum. "It's nice. Different sounding. I like it."

It was almost dinner time. Morgan and Mason were in charge of dinner today and mine would be tomorrow, unless the baby chooses differently. I could hear the muffled rattle of pots and pans and smell of food cooking. This was good for them. They learn how to cook and take care of someone, which was never really a problem for Mason. That kid is so kind-hearted but Morgan needed some work. She gets inpatient quickly with people and Mikey just needed to learn to focus on things other than his cartoons.

Once dinner was done I helped Margret down the stairs. There the table was being set up by Mikey while Mason and Morgan brought out the food which was soup and some dinner rolls. Morgan smiled. "Mom, did you sleep well?" Margret smiled weakly, her hands on her large belly. "As well as I can. It's hard when you feel like you have a bowling ball living in your stomach."

Mason spoke next, coming to pull a chair out for her. "Here. We made chicken soup, some salad and garlic dinner rolls." Margret smiled as I sat next to her. "Oh thank you kids so much. You're so sweet." She got teary eyed. She cried nearly every day now over something. Either something frustrating like not being able to sleep or in constant pain or sweet things like our kids making dinner. Mason came over and hugged her. "It's the least we can do. You're making our baby brother. It can't be easy." Margret smiled, hugging him, kissing his cheek before letting him go.

When there was food on our plates and bowls I spoke. "So have you decided what you're going to do for collage Mason?" He frowned, his large shoulders hunching. "No. There's so much to choose from and I don't even know what I'd be good at. At this point it would be easier to take a year off and help mom with the baby and think things over. "Morgan swallowed her soup from her spoon. "I can help you find something over the year. There's something for everyone." "What's Jane majoring in?" Margret asked.

Mason answered. "She's majoring Neuroscience and minoring in psychology." I could sense Mason was very proud of her but felt intimidated by how smart his girlfriend was. It's always been a stereotype that jocks weren't as smart as the others because all they care about is football but it's far from the truth. But poor Mason still feels insecure when the subject of school comes up even though he has passing grades of As and Bs.

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